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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. That was freaking classic. We laughed so hard!!!! Thanks for documenting such a moment in time.
  2. I can't collect my ketteh's whiskas.... both shin and ryuu have wirey curly whiskers. lol BUT I want to find me a minurature to rep my new DnD character, so when I do, I can has some of your's? OH MY GAWD! I have to show you guys my EPIC FAIL, since I'm talking about DnD... this is great... lmao This is my first character sheet, first campain, first night playing, and my very first roll was a damn 1! man, we all had a good laugh.. it was great... thank TheLordOfSins for capturing this hilarious moment in time... lol
  3. you ain't old, shut up for I smack you with a fish! I may be young, but my genetics are against me all the way... PCOS is passed down genetically in some form or another, and also, my family doesn't have the most supple skin... lol BUT here's to hoping that I got my dad's skin... I may not have gotten his color, but I sure hope I got his good supple skin... lol if that makes scene.. lol
  4. @Cher: oh I know, I use to be way skinny... my boobs are gonna get too small... when I was at my smallest, i had DD boobs (that's a size 9, weighing 135) so I don't have to worry about that. lol honestly, as long as I get the weight off, I don't care what my body does, as long as it all snaps back and I don't have that "extra skin flab" which scares me more than anything. but I'm young, I'm sure my body will snap back. lol
  5. Thanks Chernobyl!!! it means a lot to me to hear what you have to say. I have to change how I eat, because of how my body works, BUT I am going to start exercising, so I don't get that "extra skin flab" my tummy skin is getting soft, and I think that if i work out and what not, it will shrink too. only thing that makes me sad, is my fantabulous ass is shrinking!!! : lol but you know what? I have always been curvy, I just gotta be patient and wait for it all to catch up again, and once my body gets back into shape, my ass will look big again. lol I love to exercise, it makes me feel good, but (warning: lame excuse ahead) I hate getting down on the floor to do it... BUT in the name of health, and a skinny hot body, I am willing to get over my phobia of the floor. lol I want to have a flat tummy again. I want to be uber flexible again. I want to fall asleep knowing that I had a good work out, again. I miss all that... and there's only so much "dieting" I can do to accomplish all this. SO!!! I am going to start a workout routine that works for me, and I'll keep everyone posted on my progress. Thanks again!!!! It feels so awesome to have people tell me that they too are noticing that my hard work is paying off... Its harder than I thought it would be, BUT at the same time, its not as hard as I made it out to be, in my mind. I made my mind up, and I am sticking to it. Like I said before, its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. Diet implies that I'm missing out, and I don't feel that I am. PS: feel free to steal the ticker... you can customize it, and make it look how you want. Its very helpful. and on the site that you get it on, it charts your progress for you. so you can actually see your progress charted out for you.
  6. *hugs* it was great meeting you, the other night. :)

  7. She prescribed Metformin. According to the forum I am a member of, for PCOS, its the drug to take. I also take a 1 daily, 250mg Apple Cider Vinegar supplement, and since I am limiting my food intake, I take a Women's One DailyTM with Calcium, Iron, and Zinc. I made sure it had iron in it, because of the severe blood loss every month. No, they aren't making me test my blood, but when I go back in January for the biopsy (there was an abnormality on the pap smear) I'm going to ask her about that. When I got diagnosed, they told me that my blood glucose was "higher than we'd like" whatever that means. (that was in the ER, when I almost bled to death, from my period) So I'm going to look into if I need to. I haven't been monitoring it before, so I guess they don't think I need to. I, on the other hand, who come from a family that have diabetes for one reason or another, think that if I am going to be put on a diabetic medication, I think its kinda important to sacrifice a few blood drops, in the name of health. I'm going to see if what I need is going to be covered by insurance... I have Washtenaw Health Plan B-- The free plan-- so I don't know if it will cover testing supplies... Here's how I look at it: Its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. The PCOS forum suggested a Low GI diet. I pretty much stick to that. I do cheat, eating Salt and Vinegar chips, and drinking regular pop. Every once in a while I'll eat chocolate. But I figure, if you don't give in a little, or give a little lee-way, you'll cave, and then binge, and grow to resent your new life. I want to have kids one day, and in order for my body to create the estrogen needed to even ovulate, I need to make sure that I'm not eating an over abundance of sugars and carbs. This is something I'll be doing for the rest of my life. The ticker in my signature is marking my weight loss. What I like about it, is it doesn't show the actual weight you are, but anyone that clicks on it can see my progress. I'm not ashamed of myself, anymore. I weigh 204. I use to weigh 230, and on October 11th, i was at 211, that isn't much loss, but I haven't weighed that little in several years. and considering that I haven't really started exercising, and this is just from a change in diet, I am pretty damn proud of myself. lol I was a little leery of showing this on here, because the last time I posted a picture of my ass, someone put it in the Epic Fail thread... but this is a picture of my profile, as of Friday, October 31st, 2008: I don't have on a corset, nor am I sucking in. That's all me. I know I have a ways to go, but I am so damn proud of myself. I feel so skinny. I use to be a tight size 20, Now, I am a very lose size 17! People, I beg you to please please please go to that PCOS site if you have PCOS. Its helpful, on so many levels. And its not a site full of whiners. Its a site where women, all over the world, who have this can come together and help each other. I also would like to start an exercise support group. Keep each other motivated, share your stories of defeat, and triumph. This is a hard thing to conquer, but with time, it is manageable. Its hard to do this sort of thing alone. So any ideas, or suggestions, I'm all ears.
  8. I CAN'T STOP SNEEZING!!!! i just sneezed like 10 times in a row... my throat is raw, and my head and sinus area hurts because of it... ugh... SAVE ME!!! !!!
  9. well, sheesh, I had 400+ before I had been here 3 months... and look at me now.... Been here a little over a year, and look how many I have. I have slowed down, but I am still posting like crazy. I think that I have slowed because I make less posts, but they are longer. I use to make really short posts... Mine mean more, now, than they use to, I guess..... A life, or lack there of, Rev, I think that everyone looks forward to your posts, just to see what you'd say. I know that I do. So, keep up the good post whoring. lol
  10. wow, that's just rediculous...



    I love you! ^_^ Smizmar!

  11. girl stuff is worse.. so i am feeling a lot of pain... someone close to me lost a family member, so I am sorry that that happened... Room mate's still in the hospital, so I'm worried about him... we are hurting for money, so I am stressing about that.... I am hungry, but because of the pain I am in, I don't have an appitite... I haven't eaten all damn day, because I was sleeping.... sleepy, still.. excited about this weekend. dissapointed in someone in a postion of power. limited power, but power none the less....
  12. *hugs* I miss you, Sir. How are you doing?

  13. ~girl stuff... that's definatly a big part of what I am feeling.... *whimpers* ~tired ~concerned for a friend ~wish i could sleep ~wish i was over this cold that still wants to linger.... ~hopefully I can get a job soon. got LOTS of applications! ~a little worried about roommate. He's been admitted to the hospital with a skin infection. Please say lots of prayers and light lots of candles, and send lots of good energy his way. (thanks) ~worried about some other things that are going on in my life....
  14. oh yeah, white nighty, sleep pants, and undies, and bra.... nighty is semi- seethrough, and is white... you get the idea...
  15. hey you. how goes it? ^_^

  16. (for someone) minus the rug, but one for him and one for her: (symbol for all the clothes we'd ever need, not just the ones specific in the picture lol) and of course a couple of these... different styles and colors. lol
  17. pomegranate- a pain to eat, cuz i don't eat the seeds themselves, but so yummy, and worth it... plus it makes me focus so i get all the fruit from off that tiny little seed... hehehe. I'm good with my mouth and tongue...
  18. I'm going to pretend that there isn't an insult in there somewhere... anyways... no, i said I learned to play it in 3 hours, I didn't say I mastered it. Anyone one else would have assumed that i meant that I learned the basics.... But I should have clarafied. To clarify: I learned the basics in only three hours. I had basic notes memorized, and only had to cheat with a few of the notes, becuase try as I might, I just couldn't remember what some of them were...I was doing better than some of the second a third year band memebers... so there, that should clarify things... >.<
  19. my roomate can't bring herself to eat it ("pigs are friend, not food"), though the kinds of pig that is eaten, are farm hogs. Pets are usually potbellied pigs. Those aren't used for meat, in the US. I can eat it, cuz I can tell the difference. I wouldn't cut up Muta, Puckle, or Vinnie, because they are pets, and I know them for pets. We don't have pork in the house, because if the pigs get into the garbage, and they eat the pork, they can become very sick. not good, not good at all... and before anyone says "lock up the garbage" pigs are VERY smart, and its easier said than done...
  20. trying to pass time... no one's talking.. no one's online.... story of my life...
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