lets see....
my left toe, the one that's not broken... has an infected ingrown toenail and i keep hitting on shit, for some ungodly reason
one of the pigs pissed on the dining room floor at 5, in the damn morning- guess who had to clean that up
they all decided to act a fool at PM, after i went to bed at like 9 30... so now I am up, because they can't be outside unless someone is up to keep an eye on them... for some reason, or somehow, they just know when no one is up and seem to get into worse shit! HOW DO THEY FUCKING KNOW?!?!?!
that damn cat (not mine) kept trying to sleep on my head, and she wont stop trying!. I hate it when she does that, because she sneezes and I REALLY don't want snot on my face.
I couldn't actually fall asleep until i stripped off my pants,down to the shorts I have on. and I can't wear my skirt, cuz it got nasty when i accidentally walked through the damn piss to beat the pig!
and now the damn cat (mine) won't shut up, cuz he wants to go outside!
AND, i made all kinds of noise, yelling at the damn animals... no one got up... wait, they are up, but still barricaded in their room... i wish i had such lugsuries... i don't even have something proper to string a nuse from...
so you tell me how i must feel, because i don't really know what to feel because there is no word strong enough for how I am feeling, right now.
|_| <--that close to making god damn bacon and "beef" (that would be cat) stir fry!
God Chris, i wish you could come and get me... i need a week... a WEEK! to get away from it all... *rips more hair out as i run screaming down the street, into oncoming traffic* (if i wasn't so much in love, I'd do it, for read, just to escape the fucking bullshit, of today.... )
oh, and I need to get laid... like so bad, i am losing sleep, and my mood is set high on "bitch"