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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. It won't let me view it. Says i don't have permission to view this feature, as if I'm not logged in. When clearly, i am lol
  2. Dude. Wow. just wow. I am totally going to try my damndest to come next year! I had a blast! ^_^ and I'm totally recruiting someone to be in charge of applying sunscreen to my body lol I have lobster syndrome oin my left shoulder :(
  3. is someone bringing a car adaptor? I'm terrified my phone is going to die, and I don't have a damn car charger for it yet :(
  4. my female testicles are hurting. But that's nothing new. I'm a bit tired and I may take a nap before I leave for MANfast... emotionally, I feel alright. Today is a good day. and i hope it carries over to the rest of the weekend. I got some good news at the Pain Specialist today, so that has raised my mood, considerably. Over all: very positive, with a few tender spots.
  5. I may be getting there a bit later than 3, BUT I will be there at least before dark Also, Boyfriend-Jon, is trying his damndest to join us. Oh, need to add that I'm going to be a sissy pants because my wrist is giving me issue, and its my dominant hand. Its what happens when it was broken and never properly taken care of. So I'll be wearing a brace for most of the day. it won't, of course, inhibit my ability to drink, and laugh. Don't worry, I won't whine and carry one. Just giving a heads up. Oh, and I have SPF 50 spray on sunscreen and also spray on bug spray, if anyone should need it. I'm also bringing a really good anti-itch, and a pretty decent first aid kit. I couldn't find our small bottle of peroxide or rubbing alcohol, but wounds can be cleaned with straight vodka, if worse comes to worse, so all is not lost LOL
  6. oh I was just worried about the phone and camera going dead. Other than that, I'm not worried about the sissy stuff. I don't plan to bring a TV with me lol. I don't have a car charger for the phone.
  7. *wants to become TWB's pet, just for the cookies she just mentioned, but I don't think my Boyfriend would like that* "I wonder if there will be any sort of electricity at the camping location or not..."
  8. I will be bringing some, deary. (Yes, Chernobyl, I'll be bringing the kind you mentioned you like, as well) Holy Jebus! YAY! This will be my first year attending. Oh yes. Is anyone else bringing an air mattress? I don't have a pump for mine, and I'd really not have to spend the extra $$ to buy one, if i can just borrow one from someone else. No big deal, either way. I'm just curious
  9. Gawd I'm bringing a lot of shit with me... sheesh! LOL
  10. Hey, I am going to finish my shopping on Thursday, so i need to know what kind of beer would be good to bring. I know nothing about beer, and I don't drink it myself, so give me a suggestion, please.
  11. Well, just a heads up... if you hear rustling around your tent at night, that's just me, trying to sneak into you guy's tent.... I may or may not be wearing very much clothing... Just so you know....
  12. Ok. So I got, via Steph: Three new tank tops, a pair of flip-flops, queen size blow up bed, giant bucket of cheese balls, bandanna, and undies...She picks up the tent on Wednesday. I'll be bringing an iron skillet, and meat (bacon, hamburger meat, and possibly some thick cut boneless pork chops), drinks (Smirnoff, possibly some beer, and pop). I hope to find a Grilling Hamburger Basket, on the cheap... and also a battery powered lantern.... and of course some ice. I may be bringing some more snacks, but I'm not sure yet. Oh yeah... What the heck kind of beer should I bring? I'm not a beer drinker, and the only kind I like is out of season... soooooooo.... what do you guys suggest? Oh yeah, I'm going to try my best to get an outdoor umbrella... we will see how big of one I'll be able to get... I dunno yet...
  13. oh, i'm going to need a lot of help with my tent... it doesn't have instructions with it, and Steph (who the tent belongs to) says its a pain in the ass to put together... Thank you! lol
  14. I'm thinking I want dreads. I mean real ones. That look good. Not ratty ones that just happen to form because I lost my brush (no offense to anyone that's taken this approach, my hair's just too fine to do this. I'd end up with ONE BIG lock. and i really do not wan that). *sigh* I've wanted dreads for years, but no one will start them for me.. and I want someone to start them for me -that knows what they are doing-... *pouts* I have no money to pay anyone, though :(
  15. what the crap did I miss? everyone's congratulating someone I know, and I feel like I didn't get the memo. lol Congrats, though, whatever it was... lol
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