not sad.... dissapointed. More with myself, than anything else. But still. This is a hard feeling. And if ANY ONE tells me "i told you so" I will rip their tongue out and wipe their ass with it. and if anyone knows where I got that from, +10 for you. But be warned. I am in NO MOOD! NONE!
Still loved. I do feel loved. For had I not been loved, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did. I just wish I was more okay with how I felt. Kinda dead, and non-feeling, right now. I am more okay with thiings, than I thought that I'd be. I broke down earlier. But when one's world crashes down, one tends to cry their eyes out.
Tired. Very tired. The last few hours have been mentally and emotionally draining. My tummy has been hurting for several hours now.
Waiting... I have a feeling that I'll be doing that for a while.... The best things in life are worth waiting for, and I am finding that out the hard way. Least it wasn't an engagement.... Part of me still hopes that will happen.. one day. But the way my last 2 have gone, I'm not sure I'll ever fully want it. 3 times a charm, right? But its WAY too soon to feel any of that now. Or is it too late? O.o
"I could see myself spending the rest of my life with you." Those words still rein true. I can only hope that as time goes on, you still feel that way, as well.
This is the hardest thing I'd ever had to to... miss you....