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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. Merry Meet!

    how are you doing? :) just stopping by to say a friendly hello, and add you to my friend's list, as well...




    Merry Part and Blessed Be!

  2. i can only hope... i just don't know when in October I am leaving (moved it from Aug to Oct.)

    and as long as you are there, even if its just me and out celebrating, it will be well worth it... perhaps you could drag me to the dance floor, and we can look silly together. :D

  3. mhm, i agree... but even w/ all that, there are something that some ppl just shouldn't wear.
  4. *blushes* i agreed w/ most, if not all you said.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you know what gets me? when bigger women wear things that only look good on smaller women. i'm sorry, but just because it comes in your size, doesn't mean you should buy and wear it!!!!! and how about those shirts that have the seams that are supose to go under the breasts... i hate hate hate when girls w/ HUGE boobs wear those shirts, cuz everyone can see that the shit doesn't fit!!! the seam is either in the middle of the boobs, or above them all together.... i just wanna walk up to those ppl and smack them!!!
  5. something southing, and decaf, please.
  6. aawww. that is SO adorable!!!! my family is from Germany... well, my grandmother's side... apparently her father was in the army and ended up being stationed there for a time (her great grand father(?) fled to the US when hitler took office). i believe that the only word of German she knows is "Jawhol!" [ (did i spell that correctly?) she answers me w/ that, when i call her by her actual name] anyways, welcome to DGN. this place is fun! i love it here.... i hope you do too and your English is better than half the people i know, that were born here!
  7. don't mind rev, he's random like that... and a dork... but he's cool peeps.. lol welcome to DGN! and for goodness sakes man, put up some images of urself! we all wanna know what ya look like :p

  8. posting in another forum i am a member of... a wicca/pagan/magick community based out of South Africa... apparently, i am the only american on the board! lolz.... and checking my mail to make sure i didn't miss anything here. (this place comes first... I you DGN *tries to hug DGN, but arms are too short*
  9. OH! lmao i get it now.. lmao...

  10. sitting here, relaxing, after being poked and prodded all damn day, at U of M... i was there for 8 freaking hours!!! checking my e-mails, and catching up to posts, and such..
  11. you do know that you double posted, right? anyways... i voted yes and i agree it would be sad... everyone you know, passes on, before you do.. on the other hand, i'd get to read all the books i wanted to read, and learn what i wanted to learn.. and perhaps make a name for myself.... i'd get to see how ppl and places evolve.....

    wait, where'd you disappear off to?


    wait... where'd you disappear off to?


    wait... where'd you disapear off to?

  15. i sent you an IM. Let us know, k?

  16. gray boxers (strangely, my tank top is also gray.. but a darker gray...) the boxers are that classic gray on white flecks kinda weird gray.... not the all one color gray.. lmao


    wait... where'd ya go?

  18. I use to watch my ex play, and giggle at some of his moves... i still have a hard time w/ understanding what's going on. He tried to teach me, unfortunately, i am more a vidio-game kinda girl (LOVE to play, tho i suck at that, too.. lolz) yeah, that's about it... its a good game, tho. from what i did understand of it, (which was about next to noting...) yeah, I suck at life.
  19. We are shooting for this coming weekend (all depends on if a charge on her account get's given back...) BUT if we can't head out to CC, how do you feel about some company for a few hours? :D

  20. we got gas the other day... $4.08/gal!!!! and w/ needing a fuel pump, us going to Trixi's it cost us $30 for round trip (the lady we picked the cats up from was only 3 miles away, so we met some friends there, before we had to go get them) INSANE! this is why we hardly go out. this is also why you don't hardly see me at CC. so yeah.
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