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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. hand sewing this really cute black dress... and hoping that i'll be done soon!!! (and I just got started!!!!)
  2. basic cotton green thongs with white elastic, with the word "hugs" written in pink accross the front. Wal-Mart Special. lol
  3. HEY! your clicky banner doesn't work (the Street Team skull things... ) ;) just to let you know. :)

  4. i hardly ever wear any, when I am at home. just a pair of shorts, that's it... lol otherwise, its thongs... doesn't matter what color, or texture, as long as its not those shear one 9the super seethrough) I wear pants too much for those, i can feel them rub through the panties.... so.. seethrough only for skirts.. so yeah... lol i hate undies... they SO get in the way!
  5. Already got it! this afternoon kthnxbi!
  6. im with you on the boots... but... as a person from the south... i have my own pair of flipflops...(which, the fancier kinds are called thongs, btw) most comfortable shoes i own! now, its the ones that have that little 1/2 inch heal on em, that i hate... who the hell can walk in that? its like ya stepped on a stick, and it got stuck!... but yeah, i pretty much waer my flip-flops year round. As long as my feet don't get wet, i can wear them during the winter.....(my cousin owns a pair in every color ever made, I only have ONE pair!) now, you wanna talk about skorts! i hate them! i agree that they offer the comfort of shorts, and the cuteness of a skirt... but hell.... i mean, if your are under 10, they are OK.... come on... invest in some really awesome bloomers, already! (yeah, i like seeing a nice woman ass in thongs, if i happen to accidentally see up a skirt) and ladies? DON'T wear regular panties with tight fitting skirts! invest in some lacy (cuz they are thin) boyshorts or a thong... panty lines are SO tacky, and horrible! and make your butt look funny, if one line is higher up than the other! lol my opinion: no skorts, stick to mini's or none and for the sake of all of us? don't wear something that's gonna make the rest of us wanna come up to you and beg you to pick your wedgie, cuz we can clearly see that you have one! that is all
  7. smooch smooch!


  8. i left u some picture love! (((((HUG)))))

  9. that's a shame, hun.... you are so pretty. and smart, and great to talk to... wait, i think this is bleeding into the crush thread.. sorry... but still, point made. anyone who neglects you needs a swift kik in the.... pants
  10. hope that all is well... miss ya on here, dude. :D

  11. foshizzle my nizzle ZOMG I'm so sorry that came out -Seriously
  12. im dead, your dead lets have zombie sex no heart no love just zombie sex dead sex....
  13. I FOUND MY CARDS!!! when i go to that CRUD show, Saturday, I will pass them out... ((((((((((HUGS FOR TROY))))))))))
  14. an itch i can't scratch by myself.... (i need a B.O.B., but i don't think it will help) :(
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