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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. yes ever had an open relationship where you are with someone, but have the... oportunity to be with someone else, and ur S.O. is okay with it?
  2. I'm doing way better, now that I wrote some poetry. It still hurts, but i respect why he broke up with me. :)

  3. Warning: Attention Whoring Ahead!!! I want someone to read the poetry that I posted here, and leave some love. That is all... :D
  4. this is just insane! 69 guests, 15 members, 3 anonymous members GothicRavenGoddess (2), Chernobyl (4), punk_princess (+), Yahoo.com, Gaf The Horse With Tears, certsoft, Spook, Google.com, Cobion.com, pomba gira, EnViOuSPoPpEt (+), kellygrrrrrl (+), ttogreh, Oh_My_Goth, amalthea23, Ask Jeeves, MSN.com, Marmee_Noir, GreggZero, Stymie
  5. I know what it is... its a cookie! ---- watch out.. ppl will try and steal your cookies... espicially jadnifer. and for goodness sakes, DON'T PHEED PHEE, NO MATTER HOW HUNGRY HE LOOKS, OR HOW SKINNY HE GETS! anyways.. love the name... (I am obsessed with ravens, tho my animal totem is the cat-go figure)... *waves*
  6. 71 guests, 9 members, 1 anonymous members GothicRavenGoddess (2), Google.com, Dani T girl, Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, Troy Spiral (4), Angel of Death (+), Pandora, Rayne (+), MSN.com, Saint Germain, deathfearsnone, Nutch.org, Fierce Critter
  7. WELCOME!! glad you decided to join DGN!

  8. all us single peeps needs to have a party.. lol so we can be sad and lonely... together! *laughs hysterically which turns into self-loathing tears*
  9. "i have an acre in my side" *falls over laughing, remembering the good ole days*
  10. *raises hand and hangs head in shame* 4 days and counting... out of the blue... sorry... yeah, I'm one of those that's def hating it...
  11. I know Misconceived! and I am so in love with Syn , its not funny (lead singer of Zug Izland ) Ray Street Park aren't bad. don't know many others, tho.. sadly... i need to get out more...
  12. take really good black and white pictures to capture my gloomy mood (I'd be nude, with only a dark towel)
  13. King Kong- the new version with Jack Black Its good so far...
  14. to get laid, but I am having "issues" :( to get the job, so that i can start paying rent... him to come to his scenes... :(
  15. ABOUT THE DGN.GIF I MADE... There is a post that I made, separate of this one. Gives full detail about what's going on. The Post I Made Enjoy!
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