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Everything posted by GothicRavenGoddess

  1. *sings in breathy Marylin Monroe voice* Happy birthday to you...


  2. la la la .... mornin' y'all! how ya' doin'?
  3. knowing that i am going to regret staying up past the point of going to sleep, so i am going through DGN and making posts.... i am also sitting here thinking about all the ppl that i miss back home (SC), and thinking about all the friends I am going to be leaving behind when i go back to SC.....
  4. that's cuz you are DBK, and i loves ya! geeze, didn't you know that? :D *runs*


  6. wait, i have 3 ppl under my belt? i know of only 2! who else? wow... hhhmmm.... i am trying to think, but I dunno! OH!!!!!!!!!!! LostAngel47!!! LMAO.... wow... yeah, I'll get her on here as soon as she comes home.. lmao!!!!
  7. um, i got 2 ppl to join, but highly doubt that either has posted enough for me to qualify for even a 1! lol oh well.... i keep telling ppl about this place all the time.... i am about to send a bunch of cards with Rocker4you420, so she can pass some out for me.... lol i know, its cheating..... but she doesn't come here that often sence her internet got shut off.... so yeah... she's more than willing to do the leg work! lmao... i need to get out more.... heh... any takers? hmmm? anyways.... yeah...... *hugs* for Troy!
  8. oh i flirt with him, all the time... lmao... he's so sweet. and handsome.... and so intelligent.. okay.. yeah.... i love DGN, can't you tell?
  9. its where everybody knows your name, and are always glad you came.... lol... sorry.. i had to
  10. i love shrimp flavored Ramen soup! lmao
  11. nilhil: i think that there is an anime porn that you could find... anyways i distratue ova heeer.. i *poof* ova heeer!
  12. me thinks this is turning into old Chinese proverbs....
  13. more like the "I have nothing better to do with my time" thread... Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth....There is no spoon....Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself. I went with an actual quote... my minds not awake enough for this.....
  14. well, sweetie, you kinda just did hehehe... we know you love it here.... ^---I'm the pink one, teehee
  15. I like being able to hold intelligent conversations with people. I like the fact that most of us live close enough to ppl that we aren't just anonymous avatars, and can meet face to face. I don't think that I would have met anyone here, had it not been for this site... I love the fact that I have made some really good friends here. I am happy to have met you, Troy. You are an awesome person. I am glad that you made this site. Without you, I'd be a bored, mindless zombie, constantly toiling away one MySpace. I still go there, BUT I don't spend as much time on it, anymore, like I use to. If I had the money, I'd be contributing every week... I wish that I could do more... I love it here, in DGN. its a good place to rest, and rid oneself of the mundane filth that accumulates, from other sites, or day to day life. Sit back, relax, have a friendly discussion/argument. I love it! I have a feeling that DGN is suffering financially? I wish that i could do more, but its bad, when I feel rich from finding a damn penny in the couch! anyways! Three cheers to Troy's greatness! "hip, hip, hooray!" "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" "HIP, HIP, HOORAY!" and Three Cheers to DGN's greatness! "hip, hip, hooray!" "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" "HIP, HIP, HOORAY!"
  16. that yahoo smilie that's pulling its hair out.... that's how I feel ~x( <---type that into an IM and you'll see it!
  17. oh wow, that's really good! I am amazed at what can be done with this program, and programs that are similar to it... Good lord those are cool
  18. no, bean water, you are consistent. And that works for you... and i don't know about the rest of everyone, but I am happy for you that you are achieving your goals. You, it seems to me, have always been beautiful. Its hard to feels beautiful, when you don't like what you see in the mirror... Believe me, I know..... I think that this is my problem... you all see me with my clothes on... clothes that smooth out here, lift there, this that, and the other.... you don't see what I see... not that I am calling you all lier's, because i firmly believe that you believe that I am pretty. I love me... the me that everyone sees... its the me they don't see, that I have a problem with. AND I am working towards changing that. My tummy's getting tighter, and my pants are getting HUGE! So, eventually, I will be that 135 lb girl that loved to run around her house naked... LMAO.... until then, I don't think that I will like myself very much... Another reason why I have such a hard time believing complements, or don't know how to handle them, is because for a year, the guy i was dating (back in 2004) called me worthless, fat, stupid, all kinds of things along those lines... tho I am the one that did everything around the house, did everything for him.... when i realized what was going on, I got out... but not soon enough.. the emotional damage had been done... unfortunately... now I am way more cautious than I use to be.. anyways... I will continue to work hard, to get where I want to be, and Bean, good luck sweetie! You've done so well, so far! ANd to anyone else that's trying to lose weight: good luck to you, as well!
  19. yeah, mine's 135-140... i need a goal too... i think that i should think about setting little goals, as well... work my way down... good idea Bean Water...... I think that i should start working on getting back to being able to do 1000 crunches a night... and cut back on the food intake.... BUT my god-mom doesn't like to eat past 5, and then I get hungry again in the middle of the night!... I wanna move at least my eating time to like 6:30, 7... i need to stop snacking in the middle of the night, but my hunger keeps me up. I don't gorge myself, or even eat a full meal, just enough to quiet the growling... anywho...i miss my thin self, and I, like some ppl, need a goal to work towards.. i haven't given it much thought, but everyone else is, and its easier to do it together, than alone! Even if its just discussing the little achievements! So! here I go.. This is a goal to get healthier, and to feel better, physically. I am comfortable with me, now... but in the long run, and with my family history, i need to get the weight off now, before it turns into something worse, down the line. I will say this tho: i must be doing something right, even in this lazy state I am in, because I have gone no higher than 220, in the past 3 years! so that's good... i am down to 205-210, as of now, but I am actually trying.. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Great Topic, Troy! ^---Im the pink one *giggles*
  20. lol silly but that's good tho... if i wasn't so scared of looking like an idiot, even to myself, I'd so do that.... (DDR)
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