I like being able to hold intelligent conversations with people. I like the fact that most of us live close enough to ppl that we aren't just anonymous avatars, and can meet face to face. I don't think that I would have met anyone here, had it not been for this site... I love the fact that I have made some really good friends here. I am happy to have met you, Troy. You are an awesome person. I am glad that you made this site. Without you, I'd be a bored, mindless zombie, constantly toiling away one MySpace. I still go there, BUT I don't spend as much time on it, anymore, like I use to. If I had the money, I'd be contributing every week... I wish that I could do more...
I love it here, in DGN. its a good place to rest, and rid oneself of the mundane filth that accumulates, from other sites, or day to day life. Sit back, relax, have a friendly discussion/argument. I love it!
I have a feeling that DGN is suffering financially? I wish that i could do more, but its bad, when I feel rich from finding a damn penny in the couch!
Three cheers to Troy's greatness!
"hip, hip, hooray!"
"Hip, Hip, Hooray!"
and Three Cheers to DGN's greatness!
"hip, hip, hooray!"
"Hip, Hip, Hooray!"