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Scyko Kitten

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Scyko Kitten last won the day on May 25 2017

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1 Follower

About Scyko Kitten

  • Birthday 11/28/1990

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  • Location
    Metro Detroit
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  1. Start getting ready for what is sure to be a long night at work tonight
  2. Like total shit. Another anxity attack landed me at the drs and out of work again. The anxity my roommate is causing is going to cost me my job
  3. Ugh tired. Got called in for work again. So far every friday I've been called in.
  4. Thats no good. Sounds like you need rest
  5. Stressed out. Been in and out of the walk in clinic and hospital. Sorry ive been mia guys.
  6. Totally happy that my hospital trip from work today was nothing major.
  7. My fiance and I go sometimes but it's kinda hard with our work schedules
  8. It has been scaring me. But hopefully everything will fall into place. The case won't be closing anytime soon because the condition my ex husband's house is in, and the fact he tried to kidnap them from me. I'm working with the caseworker as much as I can and trying to get more hours at work. In September we go in front of friend of the court for custody and child support. I'm going to try and get his rights completely taken. I don't want him to have anything to do with my girls. They won't even call him dad anymore he sees them so little and doesn't try to see them more. Only when it's convenient for him. They call him by his first name. I've tried to curve it but honestly it's up to them no matter what their ages are.
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