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Ice Queen

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Everything posted by Ice Queen

  1. Cold, and tired of feeling cold Tired Not as productive as I need to be
  2. I arrived at last call after being out elsewhere, it seemed packed. I was happy to see Candy and Odims before they leave, sad to hear how long it will be until the next time. I saw my #1 girl, Hunhee in the ladies bathroom, not much elsewhere, and molested TigerLili's breasts near the dancefloor. I talked to a few DGNers briefly, but my attention was obviously elsewhere. I was fortunate to be in very good company for the evening and enjoyed every moment. I met some new people I look forward to seeing again, enjoyed hugs from those I already knew, and hit the diner after wards to indulge the pancake addiction.
  3. Very tired and cranky It's going to be a long week Can't wait till Saturday night
  4. Eating chocolate until I feel like I'm going to puke.
  5. No kidding, keep the bag of toys in the vehicle. It's not like I use them in private or anything +1
  6. That description seems to be making the rounds lately
  7. Thanks! I put up new pics on myspace and had an interview posted on Fixe Magazine. Life rocks!

  8. Nope! I will never be settled in! I am so busy! Oh well! I'm scheduling stuff anyway. I'm settled in enough, I guess, just not unpacked and have some things I need to do to the house

  9. Didn't you tell me that recently when we were discussing what it was I wanted from a situation?
  10. There are plenty of takers out there. Isn't that the problem? There are an abundance of takers, few givers, and rare keepers.
  11. That's only because I've beaten them all to their knees.
  12. Seriously, you guys would show up and rock it if you were on your death bed! I don't think there is anything you guys would let stop you from performing. You guys rock! Have a great show!
  13. How difficult this must be for the both of you.
  14. Thank you! That's what we were aiming for. I'm glad we weren't the only ones to think we pulled it off.
  15. I would like to say that I am proud of those I am lucky enough to perform with in Oblivion. Everyone stepped up and put on a show with what we had on hand. We are fortunate to have many talented and brave performers as well as people those that helped out with behind the scenes and props/equipment. Thank you everyone that turned a potential disaster into a triumph! Big Lew took some great photos of the night. Some are candid, others are of the performances. Check it out! Big Lew personal note: I had a blast! The skit my partner and I put together in a matter of minutes was a lot of fun to do.
  16. Uploading a ton of new pictures to my Kimberly Sinical page
  17. I feel the euphoria I felt recently, will be rekindled soon. edited to add: Spook's euphoria and my euphoria are in no way connected. We just have both been fortunate.
  18. Fantabulous! I just had an interview posted on Fixe Magazine! My interview
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