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Ice Queen

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Everything posted by Ice Queen

  1. Sorry Marc, Stella's way to young.....even for you
  2. I'm still on hold trying to rent a moving truck. It's been more than 10 minutes I have things to do people!
  3. Overwhelmed. There is just no way that one person that works full time and is totally responsible for 3 children and herself can possibly pack and move a house full of stuff belonging to 4 people, without any time off, in a HHR, with a commute time of 2 hours, one way. Not even when it's me. I hate having limitations! I might be completely moved in by Christmas. I guess it's a good thing I haven't sold my other house yet. On the other hand, even with the stress and pain of all that, my life fu**ing rocks!
  4. And then I punished him for starting it in the first place
  5. Ummmm, if you want me to beat you all good and stuff, you should reply on this little board thingy.
  6. True, having a fetish does not make you goth. Being whatever the hell goth is, does not mean you are into fetish. It also CANNOT be said the two haven't coincided quite cuddly-like for years. It is not just here in Detroit, and not just recently. It has been that way in Los Angeles from before I got into it in the late 80's. Having been to other fetish events in other parts of the country and Canada, it is like that all over, and from what I can tell with mere casual observation, has been for some time.
  7. Closing is today! But I can't move in today I will move the essentials Wednesday: mattress, clothes for a few days, toiletries, a chair or two hopefully, the kids hahaha The big move is Sunday ( I hope) I'll PM you my new address
  8. ready to move, mentally not ready to move, physically like I need to wake up and do more packing in hyperdrive speed
  9. That's because Devo rocks! I'm sure I've heard this version, just can't place it atm. I am looking for it

  10. This just reminded me: Years ago, when someone was looking at pictures of me from high school and a few years later, they said something like "oh, you were gothic?" I thought....gothic architecture, gothic art, gothic literature? I said, "What?, What are you talking about?" They explained. I said, "I guess I was goth before it was goth. I'd always heard it referenced as deathrock." Ok, so now I've really aged myself. But, it's not like I lie about my age on the board or anything. Wait....does that mean I'm an elitist snob? Oh ya, I already was
  11. I was thinking maybe Nitzer Ebb, "Getting Closer" Its 4min 12 sec, but better than 5 min. What do you think?

    See you soon! Take care, Kimberly

  12. Is this another one of those nightmares where I am back in high school? Too bad there's no way to institute a minimum maturity level needed to post here. This place used to be a nice place to hang out online. edited to add: This response is to whatever it was the prompted this discussion in the first place. It had to be pretty juvenile
  13. Good morning. I'm incognito today

  14. Getting ready to start packing Realizing I have been so busy for so long that I have nearly forgotten what it is I want personally, and wondering if it has changed.
  15. Sick of people! Tired of getting surprises sprung on me Distrustful Angry Exhausted
  16. I am getting really frickin tired of people that want to use me. (non-fiction)
  17. Pop-N-Fresh had been one of many objects Herbert found sexually stimulating for years.
  18. For some reason I usually expect people to know how to do their jobs, and for them to do it. I know, silly, isn't it? Due to the title company still needing to provide something, it may get delayed. I was expecting to pack up Sunday up here and drive the truck down Monday to closing for unloading. If I have to wait to close.....let's just not go there. I will definitely be letting people know, and trying to bribe some over for help unloading.
  19. Irate! Extremely stressed! Wish I smoked, I could really use a cig right now
  20. trying not to blow a gasket while I scramble to get homeowners insurance set up and paid for in a couple hours. My now previous agent's staff wasted many days and did nothing, and has no idea how to do it. And my house is not ready for people to come look at it tomorrow, not even close. I don't have time for this!
  21. Taking a break from cleaning, packing, and trying to tie up loose ends so my home loan can close. It would be a lot easier if people were not such underachievers
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