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Ice Queen

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Everything posted by Ice Queen

  1. someone's going to have to tie my hands so I don't molest everybody
  2. Thank you. Gee, and I thought I did a better job at hiding that So true, it is nice to be able to get to know people outside of just "party" mode
  3. I plan on calling tomorrow to accept the offer. I start in January. I did see some houses with my requirements listed on your very street. *evil cackle*
  4. still contemplating calling in sick for work tomorrow. I actually am nauseated, but it's not bad thinking I am going to take that job offer at Providence Southfield planning to take a few scheduled days off here and there on the next schedule
  5. I'm not just a face...have you seen my ass? Thanks, it doesn't bother me. I'm just sayin just because I get drooled over, doesn't mean I have lots of bf opportunities, not that I want them. Am I making any sense?
  6. Thanks and yet I have been single since, well, you know They drool, but they just see a sex toy
  7. going crazy! I just got a job offer in Southfield, so I can move, but the money is a little less, but not much less So I need to figure out IF I can move soon, and how much daycare/babysitting would be compared to what I pay now. and I already didn't have time to do anything! *screams*
  8. I'm working, but I don't work the next day. Maybe we could hit one of the Thursday night events
  9. I can understand that. I felt a little uncomfortable being my age and having had 3 kids at the pool parties at Fetishcon with all those yummy models and me in my bikini. It didn't last long though. It actually ended up making me more comfortable in the end. By the way, I just booked my room! I'm getting so excited! I might be sick for work the next three days due to excitement related nausea
  10. NO!!!! I will let you know whenever I come down, so we can try to plan something. Besides being at Exotica all weekend coming up, it looks like I will be down for a photo shoot on the 21st, it's a friday. Maybe a friday night CC venture? I'm not sure on the time yet.
  11. overwhelmed I think I am going to be a very busy girl for the rest of the year, in a good way make your appointments now to see me
  12. Too bad you don't know any hot, kinky nurses
  13. slowly loosing my mind to stress. I have way too much to be able to keep up with thinking about calling into work tue, wed, and thurs
  14. I wanted to, but I am working all day Thursday in Flint and wouldn't be able to make it until very late. Plus, I would FREEZE!
  15. Seriously, if next weekend doesn't snap me out of it, someone really needs to tie me down and beat the good behavior out of me. Actually, if I don't get tied up next weekend, I will be highly disappointed. I need to take another plane ride
  16. I want to laugh, but at the same time, feel bad you feel bad. Now bend over and There that should do it. I am suddenly thankful for my streak of good behavior lately
  17. same, except instead of a cat, a 3 year old..... I need to search for my ID too. I better get to work soon
  18. NOT finding my ID, which means, I am very limited where I can go
  19. remembering to search for my driver's license. I've been without it for a couple of weeks and need it so I can get in places and pick up tickets will call and stuff
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