It has gotten to the point where being a "pretty boy" is a mark against you in my eyes (unless I just want sex)
Not really fair, they could have great personalities and intelligence, but I notice they have to work harder to grab my attention. I think I am also a victim of the same sort of mindset though. Men have a difficult time seeing past the sex appeal.
knowing I need to go to bed, so I can work the next three days without being completely exhausted, but, I don't want to! I'm trying to drag out my last bit of freedom for the week
cleaning out my freezers, since my big chest freezer took a dump and is thawing out
looking forward to next weekend, trying to convince myself I am brave enough to wear the outfit I envisioned. If you can imagine, I wore a dress to CC Sat, that was open in the front and exposed my panties, not to mention I was showing off my rear a few times, but THIS outfit, will take bravery....
I could probably serve as a midwife and assist StormKnight as needed with anything medically related
I am good with both shotguns and handguns, and strong for needed defense
I could be a spy or smuggler, if we needed something
I know, the world can barely handle the one of me, but damn, I have a lot to do! Things are going to be crazy, busy, hectic, and interesting....indefinitely
making a mental note of the things I want to get done tomorrow (there's way too many)
already looking forward to next weekend (which means work will probably drag on mercilessly this week)
getting ready to crawl into bed and try to keep warm
really dreading winter and my heating bills
Damn you! I love dark chocolate
I've switched to drinking Buttershots to deal with the craving
*thinks about making a mad dash to the store for some chocolate*