That it doesn't matter how much I've given up, or all that I've done to raise her all by myself. Daddy can come in after more then ten years of not even saying hello, and suddenly, I am the bad guy because I can't stop my life and make a bunch of changes so she can fly out to see him and his girlfriend in Manhattan in less than two weeks. I am thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I'd received child support, she might have already got the braces she needs and I could afford the car insurance so she can get her license. But yes, I am the bad parent because I can't provide her with everything she wants on my own. I am thinking I am feeling some anger over this issue. I am thinking if I wanted to be vindictive, now that I know where he is, I could turn him in for the back support. I wont, but I could. I am thinking about doing my best to not let the anger get in the way, because I do not want to keep them from having a relationship. I am thinking he needs to accept responsibility for the choice he made to not be in her life when he was always welcome in my home, always welcome to call, and never treated in a hostile manner. I am thinking, it's not that I don't appreciate that they bought her some clothes and a camera when I let her visit in the summer, but seriously, he owes over $25,000 in child support. Where has he been all those years when she needed things? I am thinking, he is still being selfish, and maybe I am too. I am thinking it is good for me to get this out.