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Ice Queen

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Everything posted by Ice Queen

  1. Thanks for the support. However, I am the one that made her cry. I am the one everyone is mad at because this visit can't happen, and it's all my fault. I am thinking I feel like a piece of shit.
  2. That it doesn't matter how much I've given up, or all that I've done to raise her all by myself. Daddy can come in after more then ten years of not even saying hello, and suddenly, I am the bad guy because I can't stop my life and make a bunch of changes so she can fly out to see him and his girlfriend in Manhattan in less than two weeks. I am thinking that maybe, just maybe, if I'd received child support, she might have already got the braces she needs and I could afford the car insurance so she can get her license. But yes, I am the bad parent because I can't provide her with everything she wants on my own. I am thinking I am feeling some anger over this issue. I am thinking if I wanted to be vindictive, now that I know where he is, I could turn him in for the back support. I wont, but I could. I am thinking about doing my best to not let the anger get in the way, because I do not want to keep them from having a relationship. I am thinking he needs to accept responsibility for the choice he made to not be in her life when he was always welcome in my home, always welcome to call, and never treated in a hostile manner. I am thinking, it's not that I don't appreciate that they bought her some clothes and a camera when I let her visit in the summer, but seriously, he owes over $25,000 in child support. Where has he been all those years when she needed things? I am thinking, he is still being selfish, and maybe I am too. I am thinking it is good for me to get this out.
  3. I am thinking: Where's my penis? I hate feeling like a girl! Don't get me wrong, I love being a woman. I am just not good with emotion.
  4. Woke up with a migraine, it's about at "please shoot me now" level. I feel that this is going to be one hell of a month! So much I need to get accomplished. I also feel I would like to go on a date once in a while, but I never leave time for that.
  5. Completely exhausted and sore all over. Work totally kicked my ass the last few days. I actually don't even want sex. WTF? I feel like I want to curl up on the couch, snuggle up in some strong arms, and fall asleep.
  6. Damn it! I'm sorry I missed it. I really could use a night out with some good music and friends. No business, no Kim Sin, just me, a few friends, good tunes, and a dance floor.
  7. We should get some soon. Who needs to go out? This is rather entertaining as it is.
  8. Staying wrapped up in this blanket won over getting scantily clad. Damn winter!
  9. I see an opportunity for much dancing. Contemplating.
  10. Confused Too many men, too little time Disappointment, leading to a bit of depression, due to a trip having to be postponed. Somewhat surprised as to how much this as affected me. Confidence, excitement, and optimism about my little hobbies, and what is to come. Cold Like I need the feel of passion. If I can't get that, a nice hard, sculpted body will do
  11. Is there any icon better than that, because that just doesn't cover it Maybe + + + ? hmmm, that's a start. Oh, and and . That's getting there.
  12. I'm glad my predicament is so amusing to my friends. I can't help but laugh at it myself. Let me repeat myself: I love you, Marc!
  13. Shut up Marc! I love you! Damn it! I wouldn't phase me if it was purely a physical attraction, but I can't help crushing on him a little. I'm not used to this, like you are . You're a bad influence! Wait...you're a good influence! Haha! Advice? Nah, I don't think he's available, anyway. I hope I don't make a total ass of myself next time I see him. Damn it!
  14. I just find it somewhat amusing, that not all too long after writing this, I find myself intrigued by a man 14 years my junior.
  15. I have to agree with the others that say more information needed. As a quite experienced gothic/fetish model/actress, I usually don't take the time to send for more information if enough has yet to be provided to spark my interest. Not that I would be able to make that anyway, because I work a 12 hour shift that day. I only am responding to this because, I love my DGN . That being said, if you have any projects you would like to collaborate on, feel free to PM me details. I completely agree! It doesn't have to be perfect, I would even fail at that. However, a minimum of some capital letters and periods where they belong would be nice. Using the appropriate words for things, and proper verb conjugation would also be nice. I have received some messages I can not believe, they are so poorly written. I don't know if it is laziness, or just poor education, but either way, I loose a some amount of respect. It does impact my decision to contact a person. I recently got upset with a friend of mine that mentioned me in an email (to someone I had yet to meet) that contained no capitals and was poorly written. I, admittedly, have a hard time with commas and other things. I am sure the English/grammar buffs can find plenty of errors. I guess I am talking more about readability, than anything else.
  16. In reference to my avoidance of "relationships": When I feel like being tied down, I just go see a rigger. Got rope?
  17. So, that's what I can expect when I come out that way??? Yes! But you'll have to keep me warm According to this and another recent post, right now I seem to be flirting with TA. Where did that blushing icon go? Wait is more appropriate anyway.
  18. I see a mutually beneficial arrangement.........if you were closer
  19. Homely, even though I just had some great looking photos taken yesterday. Like I have a severe case of procrastination. Despite myself, I am going to have a fabulous year! Like it would be even better if I would stop getting in my own way
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