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Everything posted by predaking

  1. I thought It was a great movie, even though the plot has been done, its the first time its been done with giant aliens gunships and powered suits so... its not quite the same and it was 15 years in the making. I actually had only 1 problem with the movie... Michelle Rodriguez gets fucking killed!! very very sad but otherwise fucking wicked movie!!!
  2. For the first time in almost 3 years I beginning to feel the all too familiar sting of "single and hateing it" it's driving me insane because in my head I shouldn't feel like this, it's highly illogical and irrational but my heart is singing a very different tune as of late. Don't get me wrong I am some of the best company I've ever kept but the stupid chest muscle now wants girl company, and the sad ( but highly laughable... And you will laugh!) reality is I am so far out of touch with the ladies I wouldn't even know how to rectify the issue. Imagine a great rock of confidence becoming a quivering mound of jello at the prospect of chatting up a sexy girl and you will have some idea of what I mean. Funnier still??? The ones who I am attracted to and can interact with no problem are off limits!
  3. Predaking has returned! It's been a while, what have I missed besides the site redo???
  4. there is a place here. I dont know if its the same as mean sally. Im gonna start training next year. I gotta find the info again, id be happy to share when I find it.
  5. a lil island all to myself with lots of supplies and the first DGN cutie I could charm into taking a trip
  6. A sleek, ultra hi-tec, super fast "perfect girlfriend" generator so I can say fuck the hunt and get right to the "gotcha!" and a lightsaber!!
  7. 10hrs of non stop sex ( the ol batteries are in dire need of a recharge) A 700hp triple black Audi R8 with the carbon\ceramic brake upgrade for street duty An Audi Le Mans Quattro for heavy GT1 racing with a shit load of sponsers and money
  8. hmmm I never gave much thought as to how I would defend myself on that one.
  9. hmm... thats kinda broad, everybodys perception of "asshole" is a lil different (IMO). To me its the abuse of trust and (or) the abuse of the person of any kind, it usualy starts with the classic "bad boy" or "jerk" routine (that from my observation girls love) and goes south.
  10. thats a bit harsh dont you think? I'm one and damn proud of it! We are a dieing breed but we do exist. There are quite a few on this forum, I cant speak for the rest but please feel free to call me out on it if you think Im fibbing.
  11. I never said you did (that would be a dick move on my part) What I ment was, in all the things one would look for in a partner could mask the fact that the person could be a douchebag
  12. never said it was, and if you are picky wouldnt that make weeding out the losers and assholes easer? in your defense tho... being picky can also work 100% reverse netting nothing but losers and assholes
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