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Everything posted by predaking

  1. helps me request permission to speak with the duck so as not to arouse any angry backlash from a ducknapping
  2. convince him that the trip is a good way to deal with the fact that we now sit in a giant squid belly
  3. I KNEW IT !!!! and they all laughed at me, told me I was crazy, but I was right!
  4. seek out the predaking when you get there, i would like to meet you 2 in person
  5. a killer cyborg bunny in a human suit sent here to enslave the carrots and and learn about government so you can trick the rubarb into working for you and distroy the leek threat
  6. begins gathering people for my mass water balloon fight, and nabs candy's duck so we can discuss his power of cuteness and its effects on the girlies in great detail
  7. help me get everybody to run like hell because the squid's 200 foot long blood thursty psyco ex found out we ate him and didnt leave any for her.
  8. should go outside and ask the sun real nice if it would come out and see what it says
  9. I cant give pudge the fish tuna! do you know what tuna is?? ITS FISH!!
  10. i had a friend tell me i must have been japanese in a past life turbo or supercharger?
  11. ive used reasons and protools before, lots of good stuff and add ons. never got around to mixing anything tho, funny thing my best stuff (in my opinion) was made on my PS2 with MTV music generator haha. i've been looking for some good bass and synth sites, do you know of any?
  12. ive used reasons and protools before, lots of good stuff and add ons. never got around to mixing anything tho. i've been looking for some good bass and synth sites, do you know of any?
  13. was doing thr same i'm sure when we met, nice to have met you as well. hope to see you and the other DGNr's at CC again soon
  14. i'm bored at home, i wish was back in japan (or at least CC)
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