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Everything posted by punk_princess

  1. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  2. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  3. It was nice to see you last night!

  4. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  5. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night! Sorry that you lost your button.

  6. It was nice to see you last night!

  7. Good to see you last night & hoped that you enjoyed the shot.

  8. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  9. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  10. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  11. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  12. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  13. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  14. It was a pleasure as always to see you last night!

  15. I brought my friend Nicole with me cause she & her boyfriend were having some problems & she needed to enjoy a girls night out. I had a blast and enjoyed talking with friends. I loved the cinamon shots. Will say more when Im not so hungover.
  16. Yes it was bs but being a single parent my choices are limited because most guys don't want to date someone who has a child.
  17. Hello & Welcome to DGN!!!

  18. Considering that i've paid for every date that i've ever been on, I would have to say that being single is saving me some money cause dating is expensive.
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