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About Medea

  • Birthday 05/01/1984

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  • Location
    Royal Oak
  • Interests
    Well, I'm interested in a lot of stuff.

    Wrtiting, acting, roleplaying games (table-top, video game, and bedroom). I can program in C++ (though my skills are a bit rusty), I'm a kick ass baker, and I love making food for friends and significant others.

    I'm a night owl, but I love to sleep. I have the coolest dreams known to man or woman.

    I love meeting new people, and I never hesitate to tell them every little detail of my past, present, and future. And very rarely do I ever stop talking (unless you give my mouth something else to do *wink*)

    So... there, ask if you want any more from me.


    P.S. My LJ is greenpixidust

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  1. Thanks to all of you who wished me a happy birthday. I really appreciate it. Especially the boobs from Stymie.
  2. Hey! I revealed a crush in this thread before.
  3. Homemade Stoner's Special (Turkey Ham & Cheese) with dill pickles.
  4. Waiting for Brandy's mom to come get me so we can move some stuff into the new house.
  5. Medea

    Cliche Game....

    Don't cry over spilled milk
  6. I'm at home waiting for JJ's to be delivered by The Boy. Who is your favorite superhero?
  7. I'm pretty sure Troy or some other cute guy handed me a card at CC.
  8. I got into this show just recently since they showed a mini-marathon of it on SciFi the other day. Originally I refused to watch it because it was distracting Joss Whedon from Buffy, but in actuality, it's pretty good. I like it a lot. Oh, anyone wanting to watch it, here you go: All the episodes, plus the movie
  9. Happy Birthday!

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