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Status Updates posted by Msterbeau

  1. *Dances in yer space*

  2. Oooh. I want some of that!

  3. I meant just for me. Everyone else is on their own.

  4. Clearly, dificult border crossings will be a thing of the past... :-P

  5. Excellent. I will bring you cookies in that case. Maple cookies. :-)

  6. I'm working on teleportation first. Time travel after that...

  7. Hiya. Also... My parents are from Montreal so be nice to me when I cross the river, please. :-P

  8. You look vaguely familiar... Hmmmm...

  9. Us drinking wine and getting tipsy. :-P

  10. Me throwing grapes at you while you do silly dance.

  11. Spank you berry much. Hope you guys are doing well. :-)

  12. Last weekend could use some minor tweeks but was otherwise quite fine. This week, however, needs to be a complete and utter do-over. :-/

  13. Random hurl. :-P

  14. I hope the douches suffered greatly at your hands.. :-)

  15. It was a fine impression. :-P

  16. Emma said she saw you but we were on the way home at that point. I was sad to miss you. :-(

    Have a good time?

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