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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. Which is why I said "some" in the title. Clearly not all conservatives dislike it. Heck.. probably not a majority do. But the vocal few that are quoted in this article are acting like it threatens their Americanism or is some sort of leftist plot to take over the world.
  2. Ouch! :grouphug :grouphug I hope things aren't too bad. :-(
  3. Kids are with me tonight... And they just sat down to Sailor Moon...
  4. What's it like to throw out vague questions without elaborating on their meaning and expecting more than a sarcastic response? Oh wait... you probably don't expect anything more than that. So I can finally get to their site. And I do see that they spend money "helping" others. But this help seems to come with a string attached - ie. accepting god into your life and submitting to their teachings about him. Help, like love, should be unconditional. This place is nothing more than scam that uses the name of God and Christ to bilk people out of their money and brainwash more into doing so... You're right. It is sad. A sad, pathetic manipulation of our rights and freedoms in this country, so they can make a buck.
  5. I'm shocked, I tell you.. Shocked!! http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/06/bp-nightmare-email/
  6. No *I* stole it from that site. Actually I posted the original gallery. Here: http://thinkingpixels.com/galerie/?content/03_people/01_scene/01_steampunk_erotica/ Anthony.. You need your head examined. :-P
  7. You stole that from my post on FB yesterday, bastard!! Oh.. wait. Steampunk yumminess.. Never mind. Carry on...
  8. Meh. The douchebag factor has been high for a year now. It's vaguely tolerable at CC because of the dance floor size. It's completely unacceptable at Necto because of the smallness of the dance floor. Variety is one thing, rude assholes quite another. I'm not likely coming back any time soon for two reasons: One... Assholes on the dance floor. Two.. Frankly Yoda's college boy bullshit screaming, especially over the music is also gotten to be completely unacceptable. I come to see friends, have a drink or two and dance. I come for a dark, industrial atmosphere and sound. I don't come for typical college type nonsense. You have too much of it. Pick your audience.
  9. Reading this just pisses me off. It shouldn't be the DJ's job to supply labor to fix a crap sound system. I can tolerate most of CC's faults but the sound system cutting out and having a variety of other issues is bullshit and tends to ruin an otherwise good night for me. Dear Mike. Fix this you cheap fuck. Oh... and I was at CC for the first time in three months. Not a bad time, considering. And yes I ran around the dance floor.
  10. Try: Showtime Clothing: 5708 Woodward Ave. Detroit Mi. (Near Wayne State Campus) or Noir Leather: 124 West 4th Street, Royal Oak, MI 48067
  11. PS - I tried to go to their website to read about them a little before i wrote what I did, but it appears their site is getting hammered by curiosity seekers so I can't get to it. Maybe later...
  12. No, what's sad is that a church that supposedly follows the teachings of Christ would first waste over $250,000 - $300,000 to erect a large statue of him and then propose to rebuild it after this accident, instead of using it to help it's members in need or donate it to worthy charities. That a church has that kind of money to toss around (Or the people running it) says all you need to know about their priorities. If this had been their church and not the statue, it wouldn't have been funny. Or perhaps it would have been even more ironic.
  13. Likely no because it's an indoor part of the hotel. I imagine hotels fall under the no smoking ban?
  14. Dear mom, I love you but no way in hell are you getting on my friend's list. Love, Your son.
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