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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. There may not be a "there" to go to. It's intended to be run for your own server. They plan for a hosted version too but that may cost something. It'll cost you a little no matter what but a minor fee for the security of having control of your own data makes sense to me. A lot of people won't see it that way. Hopefully it will have a way to "hook" into other services without being on them. That's in the plans in some form.
  2. I'm holding out a little longer for something like this to be released: http://joindiaspora.com/ Opensocialweb.net might be promising too.
  3. According to what I read, the "no supporting data" comments came at a time when Bush/Cheney were in office (2003-ish) and the report on this had been "revised" from a previous policy of recommending the acoustic valves. There is much evidence that the oil companies (With the Bush administrations tacit approval) were essentially wining and dining (Read: bribing) the Bureau of Land management and other agencies into doing this kinda stuff to their benefit. I'm not going to argue one way or another about the benefits of backup safety devices in all instances... But pretty sure in this one, it makes a lot of sense.
  4. *Shares jello*

  5. A few more articles showing how to TRY to keep your privacy locked down.. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/05/12/business/facebook-privacy.html http://www.lintacious.com/leslie/misc/facebook-ninja-controlling-your-privacy.php
  6. The valves are $500,000 per. They're reportedly spending $6 million per day on cleanup. That doesn't include all the environmental costs... We're going to be paying and paying no matter what.
  7. Do you have a link to the reliability statistics? http://www.nytimes.com/gwire/2010/05/04/04greenwire-warnings-on-backup-systems-for-oil-rigs-sounde-30452.html In this article from the NYT, they allude to it being expensive and there being "insufficient data" about it's reliability in certain circumstances. That's not the same as "systems fail more often than they work". I'm imagining that it's tough to get the data since that would be either very expensive or the testing conditions are hard to simulate. That being the case, should there still not have been a mandated secondary form of shut-off valve? Judging by what I read, that's both a necessary and prudent thing to do given the nature of the circumstances under which these kinds of drilling platforms operate. Oh... but wait. That would take away from Dick Cheney's profits at Haliburton. The company that just happens to operate the drilling rig that blew up... And if they're so awful, why do two other major offshore oil producing nations, Brazil and Norway, require them and use them?
  8. http://deadspin.com/5536653/awesome-track-coach-wins-league-championship-by-disqualifying-girl-for-friendship-bracelet "South Pasadena High pole vaulter Robin Laird thought she won a league championship last month when her final vault clinched the meet. Then the opposing coach helpfully pointed out that she was wearing a string around her wrist. Clutch! Track rules clearly state that "Jewelry shall not be worn by contestants" and I guess a braided friendship bracelet is technically jewelry. (It's also technically a rope!) So Laird was disqualified from the vault—the final event of the match—and as a result, rival Monrovia High School won the Rio Hondo League title. Fair? Well, at least one coach thinks so!"
  9. Allow me to be the one to open a nice can of worms: http://theweek.com/article/index/202791/gulf-spill-is-the-bush-administration-to-blame "As a result, Bush's 2005 energy bill, following a Minerals Management Service recommendation, dropped a requirement that oil companies fit every deepwater oil well with a $500,000 "acoustical regulator" — an automatic shut-off switch that could have prevented the BP spill."
  10. The only person preventing that is you...
  11. The works is OK, but kinda small. And I'd put the parking safety below CC. iLounge dammit.
  12. How about we support a Saturday night event at another club? I'm tired of City's shitty sound system, craptastic bathrooms, and overall nastiness. Someone start something at Clutch Cargos in the iLounge. Perfect atmosphere and much nicer.
  13. And now they're hiring a guy to defend their shitty practices instead of fixing them. Nice. http://www.macworld.com/article/151150/2010/05/facebook.html
  14. I'll bring my office supply crossbow. http://lifehacker.com/5523301/construct-a-crossbow-out-of-office-supplies
  15. I'm not getting to spend that much time with Tonya either..
  16. My male destructive genes have not been let out of their cage for a while. If someone wants to lone me their gun, I will happily blow stuff up with it.
  17. http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/05/privacy-groups-complain-to-ftc-over-facebook-privacy-tweaks.ars?comments=1#comments-bar Read the comments. If you use Firefox, someone has posted a way to kill communications from FB to external sites..
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