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Status Updates posted by Msterbeau

  1. I likes the new pic with da stripey hair scarf thingy...

  2. Mr Rude here... Sayin hi! Muuuaaaahhh!!!!

  3. You probably shouldn't thank me for that. I iz laughing at you. :p

  4. If you're "me", who am I?

  5. Your "personal photo" cracks me up... Bwahhahaha

  6. But... you look like a pokemanz!!

  7. Damn. I wanted to comment first.

    And yes.. Your hair is pretty damn cool.

    *Ties up Cher and tosses her in a closet*

  8. *Looks around for birth date... wanders off*

  9. *Wonders what happens if I press this button right here*


  10. Wow.. People actually comment here. I never check this.

  11. I left a comment once. It was great. :-)

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