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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. Generally good.. But a little off because of car issues this weekend that threw off plans, particularly getting to work today...
  2. Just an observation: Went to a burlesque show last night at Cliff Bells. They were letting people go in and out to smoke. I thought it odd that smokers stood out because they smelled of smoke if you were standing near them.... In an environment free from smoke, it was very obvious. In a place where the environment is to some degree or another smokey, I wouldn't have noticed.
  3. Both of you on the same day? Why don't I remember this? (Probably because I'm old. ) So shouldn't there be a cataclysmic explosion of polar opposites or something?
  4. There's plenty of stupid to go around. There's a good chance you'll hear something worse before you go to bed.
  5. I think you give a lot of people too much credit. There are plenty of people out there who lie cheat and steal to make a living. There are many more who do things like manipulate impressionable children and uneducated, lazy parents to make a buck and likely think there's nothing morally wrong with that because it's "marketing" or some other socially acceptable term. It's certainly debatable but I come down firmly in the "that's bad" camp.
  6. YouTube is quickly converting it's videos to H.264. So are a lot of other major content providers. A lot of this is being attributed to the iPad. But that's video, which is only one of the many things Flash is used for. It's already getting interesting. :-)
  7. It isn't? I thought you had thick bushes there. No pun intended.
  8. http://www.macworld.com/article/150960/2010/04/microsoft_flash_html5.html?lsrc=rss_main "Dean Hachamovitch, Microsoft’s General Manager of Internet Explorer, cut to the chase rather quickly, by stating “the future of the Web is HTML5.” He also said that Microsoft has been “deeply engaged” in the HTML5 process with the W3C, the standards body that drafts the specifications for how HTML5 should work. The company’s Internet Explorer 9, now in beta for Windows users, features HTML5 support. Hachamovitch says that while the W3C does not specify a video format for video embedded in HTML5 sites, Microsoft has joined Apple in supporting H.264, and H.264 alone." Hmm... It will be interesting to see how web standards will allow things like web ads or image galleries that currently use Flash. The gallery thing is important to me because it allows me to make it more difficult to take content from my web site galleries. (Note I said "more difficult", not "impossible".)
  9. I feel like the United States is slowly losing it's understanding of the words "consequences" and "responsibility". I also feel like I will go ride my bike at lunchtime today.
  10. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/04/30/hyundai-loses-1-8m-lawsuit-because-of-seats-that-recline-too-fa/ When are these moronic lawsuits going to be tossed out? If I want to recline the seat full back and take a snooze, I can do so. If I want to drive, I sit upright. Apparently that's not very common sense.
  11. I have no idea what you're talking about. :-P

  12. Pretty much. Does that excite you? Does it excite Raev? Anybody????

  13. This reminds me of an old Minutemen song: "Shit from an Old Notebook" Let the products sell themselves. Fuck advertising, commercial psychology, Psychological methods to sell should be destroyed. Because of their own blind involvement in their own conditioned minds... The unit bonded together... morals, ideals, awareness, progress... Let yourself be heard!
  14. Sadly, not all humans are created equal. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and different ways of processing. Some people can barely function. Some can't. We will always have to deal with that on some level.
  15. A new member "nancys" has sent me a pm. Pure spam. Plus toss her on her ass.
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