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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. Yup. He pretty much doesn't care about your privacy. http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/04/report-facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-doesnt-believe-in-privacy/
  2. Fuels yes, battery configurations no. The design of a large battery pack that can be detached/attached often, quickly and reliably under use by your typical motorist hasn't been designed as far as I know. They exist for one-off race cars and possibly in commercial applications that I'm not aware of? It's one thing to do that in some small appliance... It's quite another to do it on a car, where the batteries will likely weigh hundreds of pounds and the potential sources of corrosion are far more varied and severe.
  3. Assemblage 23 - Disappoint Just one more time For the sake of sanity Tell me why Explain the gravity That drove you to this That brought you to this place That pushed you down Into the soil's embrace Give me the chance I was denied To sit and talk with you For one last time CHORUS Did I disappoint you? Did I let you down? Did I stand on the shore And watch you as you drowned? Can you forgive me? I never knew The pain you carried Deep inside of you. I can't forget Having to see The words that knocked the wind Right out of me It's not enough I've come undone Trying to find sense Where there is none Just give me peace You owe me that To help ward off the fears I must combat (CH) And so I ask For one more chance To understand This senseless circumstance Help me to see This through your eyes The reasons I've been trying To surmise Though you are gone I am still your son And while your pain is over Mine has just begun
  4. All that takes is the manufacturers agreeing on some sort of standards so a "gas" station doesn't have to stock a zillion different kinds. Oh... and engineering the connections and batteries to take a lot more abuse than they currently do. Being fixed in the car is one thing. Bouncing them around unprotected is another.
  5. Mental torture. :-)

  6. If Tonya and I go, you can ride along. Can you get to my place?
  7. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/04/28/video-princess-leia-car-wash-no-were-not-kidding/ More photos here: http://www.paulspoerry.com/2010/04/28/star-wars-car-wash-slave-leia-washing-cars/
  8. Perfect would be if you had these and a free source of electricity. Solar panels on the garage and a wind turbine in the backyard ought to do the trick. The only issue I have with either of them is the charge time. That's no good on a long trip. Even the 45 minutes. And that would presume you had access to that special charger. Both beautiful cars though. You do realize the Roadster is based on the Lotus Elise, yes?
  9. People throwing butts out their car windows certainly have a place to put them. And the smoker should be responsible for their own litter. Yes.. litter. It's more than just "It doesn't look pretty". Cigarette butts are everywhere. The foam takes ages to break down. Pretty damn inconsiderate if you ask me. Used to be a $500 fine for littering. I guess no one cares anymore. That's pretty obvious by how much trash there is on the sides of the roads, etc.
  10. I just realized how that might happen. Not you and me, babe. Themz..
  11. New topic!!! I know where we can get the Lotus. Who's got a grandma we can borrow?
  12. I confess, I don't make confessions.
  13. That's a good point. Smokers can come and sniff the walls for a fix..
  14. Speaking of wedding. If Tonya and I show up, we should discuss plans and such. I don't think I've given you a final answer on $$$ either, have I?
  15. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/04/28/video-psa-ken-jeong-and-joel-mchale-tell-you-to-put-a-sock-on/
  16. Very true. Get one of these and you can go from 0-60 in under 5seconds AND get close to 30mpg. All on 4 cylinders. You can strap the kids or the mother-in-law to the engine cover...
  17. In a 1600-1700lb car it's fine. Considering the speed limits, there's no reason they have to be rocket ships. These cars get low fifties mpg using the current ratings method. They were advertised higher back then. Part of the problem is safety standards have increased significantly. Part of the problem is that marketing departments have convinced people that they must have every convenience known to man in the car and that cars should all be 5 star safety rated so they're far above what some people would consider adequate I think we're compromising too far in that direction. A current Toyota Yaris is pretty close to the same size as the HF and Sprint. It weighs about 600lbs more. A Mini Cooper weighs almost 900lbs more. Ridiculous. On today's engine technology it would be pretty easy to make a reasonably safe little car that got great mileage AND great performance. Stop making cars that are built like tanks that are filled with crap.
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