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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. I think the whole system of using fees as a way of funding government is getting completely out of control. Totally agreed with you on this point. I was actually thinking of starting another topic about that. I'm utterly sick of being nickle and dimed to death by cops and local municipalities, not to mention the state, with fees and fines. I think we need to take a hard look at budgets and start spending more responsibly in these economic times. People need to understand that too... that government can't fund all of this when times are tough. Likewise, government can't start using extraordinary means to obtain income when many of us can barely afford necessities. Michigan's driver responsibility fines are a good example of this. In my opinion they're double jeopardy, and completely unconstitutional.
  2. Funny. This story appeared yesterday on ARS Technica. It does not paint a pretty picture of the game nor it's owners. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/03/evony-investigating-the-game-everyone-loves-to-hate.ars
  3. Parents have been permissive of this for many generations. Probably for many millennium. Certainly some blame lies with parents who tolerate any sort of bullying as "it's just being kids being kids". Bullshit. Early lessons that bullying is wrong, with consequences if they are found to have done it is what kids need. It won't solve everything... there are likely some children who will always ignore and disobey what they're told. This is really sad. I hope these kids are carrying a boatload of guilt and remorse over this for the rest of their lives...
  4. This is a branch off of the recent Gun Control thread. I thought Nightgaunt's points about driver's licenses was worth further discussion away from the established topic of that thread. While I agree with the notion that we (should) have the right to travel freely in whatever conveyance we choose, and that the licensing of those vehicles is not entirely necessary, particularly making us pay fees to do so, I do think that training and licensing of drivers makes a lot of sense. Why? Because it's pretty damn easy to kill someone with one. People with demonstratively crappy skills should not be behind the wheel endangering others. Bearing these things in mind, there must be some mechanism to keep track of drivers and their skillfulness. Personally, I'd like to see a lot more emphasis placed on good training before anyone is ever allowed on the road. What we have now is a joke and doesn't really prepare drivers for some of the situations they may encounter.
  5. There's a lot of "patents" out there that are nothing but nebulous hot air. This is awesome.
  6. I dislike both coffee and tea. Someone let me know when there's a chocolate milk party.
  7. Two fails in a row? Post a photo people....
  8. Clean fun? Boooooo!!!! I now have a way to do "big screen" movies at my place. Friday evenings would be best. Let me look at my calendar for a suitable date.
  9. You could be like me and never remember that it's there, and never care when it's pointed out. :-)
  10. All I know about this game is that there are a zillion online ads for it - all with images of large-breasted women that have nothing to do with the game or how it looks. Unimpressed Marc is unimpressed.
  11. I'm very fun and you know it. I can give you a demo next Friday. :-)
  12. Turn the shower on but not the lights. Pretty simple stuff...
  13. I do it from time to time. Usually late at night.
  14. It's not only them, it's the media and the fans that some how think they are owed...
  15. "Won't you be disappointing fans?" Um... who the fuck cares? It's amazing how once a person becomes a public figure some people treat them like property.
  16. Every person who knowingly tried to cover this up belongs in court. Considering the Vatican is essentially it's own country, I don't ever see that happening without "invasion". At times like these I wish there was a hell, so these people can burn in it.
  17. Was that the squack heard around the world? :-P

  18. I like it too. :-)

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