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Everything posted by Msterbeau

  1. I discovered these in the Spring. Pretty damn funny.. :D And hells yes, she's cute!
  2. And the companies/wealthy that are trying to use money to keep their wealth and influence intact. THAT is a central issue. The democratic process is being completely subverted.
  3. And it will fail again if people think like you. Ignore the past, ignore the differences and work to unite under the things we hold in common. Period.
  4. It's probably best this way. The media is corporate owned. They'll try to distort things and discredit the whole movement. Word of mouth via trusted friends works fine. I'm going to a planning meeting Monday evening and also to whatever event is planed for Friday the 21st. We are the 99% PS - Stop worrying about who's involved and worry about who might infiltrate and distort the message from the targeted groups/companies/government agencies..
  5. His pancreatic cancer was a rare curable kind. Very few really know because he's very private, so your statement that he had cancer (active) is a guess at best. He did turn around and spend money and advocate to change California law to make it easier for people to donate organs. That seems like a fair trade in my book.
  6. If Einstein, or Thomas Edison, or Tesla had died during our time, would you have mourned any less? Would you be sick of the news in one day? I think not. Steve Jobs was on their level. If you don't get that, you haven't really paid attention. Like most geniuses and truly gifted creative people, he was a flawed human being, sometimes terribly so. But he also got what life was about, and he lived it uncompromisingly his way, and in the end, he changed the world and brought products and ideas to the masses that they never knew they needed.
  7. I will be there for sure. After I recover from birthday festivities on the 24th :-) Eevee!! You are, of course, welcome to ride with me.
  8. I find the Munsters completely un-funny... Addams Family humor is waaaaaaaay better. To me.
  9. Addams Family without question. Sorry... Munsters suck. PS. I have all the Addams Family episodes. :D
  10. Firefox on Mac. Tried Chrome for a while but it was buggy and causing hassles so I switched back.
  11. Funny. I was thinking about you and John the other day. I haven't been on the board for a few months. I sign in... the whole place is different again... and here you are. *hug*
  12. What it was and what it has evolved into are potentially two different things, depending on your point of view.
  13. Not as pregnant as you. ;-)

  14. Isn't that what the whole "pictures and photography" forum is for?????????? *Facepalm*
  15. Start establishing strict boundaries for behavior and consequences if he doesn't meet them. Sit him down and explain that the way he has been behaving will not be accepted any more. Don't be a jerk but don't pretend to be his pal either. you are parents/guardians, not his friend. You're there to teach him and set an example for how to live life. Don't spank him, he learns nothing from that except that violence is OK when you can't think of anything else. Use Google. There's lots of good professional advice out there on the web.
  16. And your point is?

  17. More tongue please.

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