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Everything posted by Jarodaka

  1. Heh. So when I say "make myself look good", I'm not being arrogant, other people are just being indecisive. hehe. Good to know.
  2. I've taken these a billion times. Always INTJ. Introverted Introspective Thinking Judging Basically, I give people enough rope to hang themselves then step in to make myself look good -- reluctantly, of course.
  3. I corralled some tadpoles once, it was great.
  4. Here're some things I should be doing: sleeping, reading Slaughterhouse 5. Hmm, I suppose that's it, really. Sleeping, yeah. Gotta work tomorrow. And screw you guys, Martha Stewart Apprentice is entertaining!
  5. I thought it was just a general observation of the relatively few black people who are 'goth.'
  6. Mideast, Midwest -- these terms are often confused with one another. Good point... how much is 'enough'?
  7. I hate this thing. 1) Spelling is too very important. If I didn't know how the words were spelled in the first place, then I'd be pretty clueless what was trying to be said. Also note that the misspelled words are using the letters that are in the word when it is spelled correctly. 2) It's not the 'world as a whole' that's being read, but the entire sentence, paragraph, and grammar (which is pretty good in this paragraph) that gives clues to the meaning of each word. 3) I'm not sure what is meant by 'not a problem' because I certainly didn't read that paragraph with my normal reading speed. 4) This is an interesting mind experiment, but it seems more like a lame excuse for poor writing skills. (Not directed at anybody! Just a general annoyance with the original purveyor of this tripe.) </rant>
  8. ROFL. That is sooo off-topic. Though to put it back on topic I'd have to say an affinity for zucchini bread is a plus. (I mean, really, how can you not like zucchini bread? Ciliac persons excluded, of course.) I need to clarify my earlier position (so to speak). I do not like erections, either. No pulse and no erections, please. //still j/k ///I mean about the no pulse. ////no erections, please. /////except nipples, that's ok.
  9. Really? 'cause that turns me off. /so entirely, completely just kidding!
  10. That would be when we switched from Ezboard to IPB. Unfortunately, ezboard got hacked not too long after the switchover so pretty much all of our old posts have been wiped out. You can click on "My Controls", then click on "Board Settings" underneath "options" on the left hand side there. Now you can change your timezone info! This changing of the time zone... couldn't do that with ezboard.
  11. What Would Brian Boitano Do? - D.V.D.A. I'VE NEVER SEEN A MAN EAT SO MANY CHICKEN WINGS! aaaAAAAaaAAHH!!
  12. Nothing Else Matters - Apoptygma Berzerk
  13. Fucked with a knife? Interesting twist of the knife? Haha.. eh, it was a stretch.
  14. These Dreams - Heart. I really think Heart will be the next band to experience a series of Industrial covers and gothic tribute albums so I'm getting the jump on things. C'mon, can't you imagine Marilyn Manson screeching out: These dreams go on when I close my eyes Every second of the night I live another life These dreams that sleep when it's cold outside Every moment I'm awake the further I'm away ...but spookier.
  15. Listening to the fan go WHRIWPHRPWHRPWHRPWHRPWRH, but really quiet like. That, and insurance commercials until I muted the T.V.
  16. That's an interesting euphemism for referring to number 2. I'll have to remember that one.
  17. What makes me happy is giving lost people a comfortable place to stay.
  18. If you're not with me then you're against me? That seems somewhat paradoxical, but kinky.
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