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Everything posted by Jarodaka

  1. I'm a sucker for well-applied make-up, especially lipstick.
  2. Answer: Thanks to Mapquest, yes, yes I do. (no no, I get it, Burt Bacharach.) Question: What's your favorite piece of 20th century technology?
  3. 7 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes Active Users 0 guests, 7 members 0 anonymous members JarodakaMister, BrendaStarrr69, DisturbedMania, TearSandrille, torn asunder, mallochai, Daniel
  4. OMG, the end of Halo 2... grrr, damn you, Bungie.
  5. A: Sleeping. Q. Why is it everytime I look at this thread I read the title as "The get to know yourself game"?
  6. (A Mason show? Did you have to know a secret handshake to get in?) Yes, anyway... A. Creating something that changes society. Q. Now that Bush has been re-elected our Lord and Master, what's a flavor of ice cream that you think is underappreciated?
  7. Wild rice, chicken, and some other stuff thrown together to form Wild Rice Chicken Slop.
  8. I don't have enough money to dress in a goth style.
  9. A) For the same reason men don't have testicles on their chin. Q) Besides living with parents after turning 18, what's the worst living/home situation you've had to endure?
  10. Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
  11. Why is a manhole cover round? If it was a polygon it would be possible for the manhole cover to be dropped into the manhole thereby hurting the person working the manhole. Since it's a circle this is geometrically impossible. ya know, in case you were wondering. That is way more thought about manholes than I ever wanted...
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