7 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
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JarodakaMister, BrendaStarrr69, DisturbedMania, TearSandrille, torn asunder, mallochai, Daniel
(A Mason show? Did you have to know a secret handshake to get in?)
Yes, anyway...
A. Creating something that changes society.
Q. Now that Bush has been re-elected our Lord and Master, what's a flavor of ice cream that you think is underappreciated?
A) For the same reason men don't have testicles on their chin.
Q) Besides living with parents after turning 18, what's the worst living/home situation you've had to endure?
Why is a manhole cover round?
If it was a polygon it would be possible for the manhole cover to be dropped into the manhole thereby hurting the person working the manhole. Since it's a circle this is geometrically impossible. ya know, in case you were wondering.
That is way more thought about manholes than I ever wanted...