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Vater Araignee

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Vater Araignee last won the day on April 2 2019

Vater Araignee had the most liked content!


About Vater Araignee

  • Birthday 12/08/1973

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    Just a few seconds away from Ann Arbor, MI

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    Vater Araignee

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  1. Nain Rouge Absinthe Vetre 120 proof MADE IN DETROIT BABY!
  2. I'm gonna put some special Sauce on that fuckErs burger, giMme some butter and few mINutes.
  3. Before I resigned I had and used the ability to say "GET OUT OF MY STORE!" Managed 3 and hated every second except banishing douches.
  4. Mine is... Right here JUST DON"T BOTHER WITH MY RECENTLY PLAYED! I explore and stumble on a lot of junk.
  5. I thought this thread was Now Drinking.
  6. I miss the days when beating the shit out of two 20 something adult worms who thought they had a numerical and age advantage on you didn't land you jail. Though it resulted in a judge throwing out the charges there is still the lost time. I also miss polite society, you know the days when slandering and using pejoratives to a persons face could legally (Fighting Words) get the shit beat out of you, so you didn't do it. Those snots would have gotten less hits in on me.
  7. NO! Use Subscribe Star. https://www.subscribestar.com/ Patreon was bad news a year ago got worse in December and every time I read or see something from Jack Conte it goes further down hill. Latly he has been leading people to believe that patreon is going to attempt to claim they own your brand, hell they are acting like they kinda do now,
  8. I'm I good enough to do industrial and darkwave covers of the filthy 15? Probably not, besides I dont think I would not want to deal with the optics of me singing Sugar Walls, Strap On 'Robbie Baby' or uuuuuuuugh HOLY CRAP, I just realized that out of 9 songs in the FF labeled for sexual content, 5 of them where sung by women from their perspective! So much for equality LOL. Now why was We're Not Gonna Take It included when it doesn't fit any criteria but Dancing With Myself wasn't when it sooo does?
  9. Wait, Tim Hortons is Canadian, that explains it. Poor dude is being infected by Canadugh. Don't forget misgendering is a hate crime that can put you before a human rights tribunal there and the people who make the biggest stink are the ones who look the least like what they claim they identify as. I.E. not even trying. You got a beard down to your belly and are dressing and smelling like a 40 year old Hells Angel, grinding on chicks but your a 19 year old girl, yeah right ughhugh suuuuure what every you say. So basically the janitor saw a cutie and thought safer to go the other way till she expresses otherwise.
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