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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Sweet! If you grab me some of these, I'll go get some Kenny Chesney tickets for you for March 19, 2011 at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, FL just in case you happen to be there at that time. Just thought everyone else should know about the Kenny Chesney thing, too. I'm all about expanding my musical interests, and traveling. Thanks everyone.
  2. I know they're not scene-centric, but I would rather be forced to listen to Wal-mart radio for the rest of my life than listen to Counting Crows, or Hootie and the Blowfish anymore.
  3. I'm not saying that you would do this, but what happens if you have to pee reeeaaaaaaal bad, and take a leak on the side of the road because you don't want to pee your pants, and then get caught for "indecent exposure?" I believe if this happens three times, or something like that, you can get charged as a felony perp. I'm not making excuses for anyone as I have been on the receiving end of various crimes, but sometimes shit happens.
  4. Greetings!! Welcome to DGN! It's been a while since I have been to City, but we will definitely look for you next time!
  5. lol I saw The Room. Thank you Tommy Wiseau. Thank you. If you dare.....
  6. Hello there! Boomsauce? Dare I even ask? lol Welcome to DGN!! It was good to meet you last night! And you enjoyed the visual delights of Top Gun.......will he ever be the same Jessika? lol
  7. I agree. I think we could come up with some other work programs for the state, or something else whereby they could pay back the community for their crimes. A jail/prison sentence would have to be doled out at some point, however, if the offender didn't follow through on their non-prison sentence. I would hope, however, that if these kinds of programs were possible, that offenders would rather do volunteer work, and complete the other terms necessary rather than just say "awwww, F' it, I'd rather just do the time and be done with it." We also have to remember that prison's/jails are big business that just keep getting bigger. They have more power on the state and federal levels than most of us realize, and they will not be quick to let go of any power.
  8. LOL! Last night was so much fun! Thanks to Bean and Eternal for hosting a fabulous event! It was so nice to see and hang out with everyone. I love my DGN family!!
  9. LOL!! This is awesome!! XD Thanks for the Birthday Wishes everyone!! you guys! It's been a blast all weekend!! Woot!!!! Now its time to roll up my sleeves, and get busy for the holidays!
  10. You're back! Yaaayyyyyy!! Hopefully we'll see you Thursday at the party! Big Hugs Sweetie!! Miss ya!

  11. I missez you, too! XD

  12. Gah! It's scary to actually research, and know what is in our food. It's kind of like taking a good look at the germs/bacteria thats on everything we touch daily. We can wash our hand throughout the day, and use germacides, but that won't stop someone elses nastiness from getting on us somehow. With the germs, I think "what doesn't kill me, only makes me stronger." I know we can't do this with food, though, because some stuff stay's, and builds up in our bodies. Nightgaunt and I just got over some hellatious food poisoning. If I would have actually seen the microorganism that did that to us, I would probably have wanted to rip my gut out. Like some other people on here, I also get migraines. Bad ones. They started in my early 20's, and no one can tell me why. With the food I've eaten, it could have been anything that did it to me. My number one culprit, however, is diet pop. I used to drink buckets of it when I was younger. I've since learned the horrors of aspertame :( Can't say that it's what did it, but its number one on my list. Before she threw her life away, my JenJen was very much into taking care of her body. She would research everything she ate, and buy "organics" whenever she could. I swear she also had a poop fetish (That's right Jen, your secrets out! lol ) because she would always talk to me about colonics, and fasting, and cleaning ones system out. She would show me pictures of what comes out of ones body that has supposedly been there for years. It's disgusting!! Unfortunately, poor people typically can't afford the more expensive "organic" foods, and do those extra things we need to do to keep our systems clean. Poor people get the shitty food, with the nasty chemicals building up and wreaking havoc on our bodies and minds. I should pay more attention, but I don't. Like everyone else, there are other things coming first on my lists of things to do, and pay attention to. Its kind of sad when even vomiting and diarrhea from food poisoning won't set ya straight, but I'm just being honest.
  13. I wasn't eating meat last year, so I missed out on StormKnights meat :( Since crossing over, I have had Slogo's succulent balls in my mouth, and have sucked on endless meaty surprises from my Nightgaunt. Please count me in for the tip jar for this year as I WILL be nom nom noming on StormKnights meat, licking every last drop off those juicy bones! lol Where can I drop the money off at, or do you just want it at the party? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  14. I wasn't eating meat last year, so I missed out on StormKnights meat :( Since crossing over, I have had Slogo's succulent balls in my mouth, and have sucked on endless meaty surprises from my Nightgaunt. Please count me in for the tip jar for this year as I WILL be nom nom noming on StormKnights meat, licking every last drop off those juicy bones! lol Where can I drop the money off at, or do you just want it at the party? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
  15. This falls on a day where I have to do something until 8pm in Grosse Pointe for my licensing :( Nightgaunt and I saw this preview in the theatre and it looks like its going to be excellent! Have fun everyone! Nightgaunt and I will definitely be catching this one some other time
  16. It was great seeing everyone last night! The movie was blast for me! There's nothing like laughing at your own cultural stereotypes! lol I'm just glad Danny Trejo finally got a staring role in something
  17. I would gladly chip in funds just to have a piece of StormKnights meat
  18. We made a boo-boo. Looks like we don't have the lil' guy on Thanksgiving Day :(, so it will be just Nightgaunt and I.
  19. Don't hide! Sit with us! If you don't just do it upfront, when we find you, we just might pants you!
  20. lol The Tortilla Pie will be accompanied by Nightgaunt, Tszura, and Lil' Nighgaunt, lol. We will be attending both parts after a brief intermission to take the man cub back to his birth vessel for the evening. We look forward to spending time with our DGN family, and watching The Room You really should have put "Spoiler Alert" on that clip, though! :D :D
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