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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Nope, I drive a black Vibe. **blocks pervy comment** lol Welcome to DGN OscarDeLaGoof!! This is an awesome place to be! Glad you made it!
  2. Whooo-hoooo!!! You got here by bumper sticker! This means they're working! Awesome! Welcome to DGN!! :)

  3. Saw someone's mask fall off, and stepped back in horror and disgust. It's frightening how some people can treat and use other human beings, and think that it's ok.
  4. Oh, no! We all know how much you love your hearse, Reaper, and I'm sad to see that you're selling. I know we all have to do what we have to, though, and I wish you luck in selling it. Shame on whoever only wanted to give you 2,500 for it! I was going to suggest that you also put it on Craigslist, but I see you already have. The "Win a Hearse" contest on Craigslist sounds like a good idea, too. If you hooked up with some club/bar owners, or car shows to sell tickets, you may sell enough to make your $5,000 minimum. Just an idea. Good luck Reaper!!
  5. Nightgaunt and I would like to have a little stinky of our own, but at this stage in the game with our age and the sucky economy, I'm not sure if it's actually going to happen. I have a step-son with him, but its not the same for me for a lot of reasons. I'm proud to be "Not a Woman on Time," but sometimes the feeling does sting a little. Lately, I've been in the mode of feeling that my greatest loss is also my greatest benefit. Lets see how long that thought lasts, though. Oh, and #65.......been there, and rocked it! lol
  6. I don't care what anyone thinks, or says, I'm excited about the idea! The only way I will be disappointed is if he doesn't change anything from the original, and I will be shocked if he doesn't. Can't wait!
  7. Awwwww, shit! We missed Draco!! Haven't seen you in a long time, dude! Hope to catch you out and about another time soon!
  8. Looks kick ass Reaper!! You always do such a wonderful job with your home improvements!
  9. We'll be waiting......... lol! It was like being at the Drive-In watching an adventure movie. "See the Lifting of the Loin Cloth! Shake with fear as the Bear Jew runs your way! Dine in the excitement of witnessing what very few have lived to see!!" Next time, we'd like to see the Car Wash effect! (at 1:24) lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKJIbY0BUpY&feature=related We enjoyed the view very much, but our car has been traumatized. The Bear Jew, who was NAKED, mind you, left this: Zee Bare Jew ass tracks..... There were also claw tracks down the front of our car! Now it takes a pretty bad ass motha-*uc*er to leave those kinds of tracks on a car WHILE NAKED!! lol We are honored to have been initiated into the Bare Jew clan, and do not plan on washing Vader for a long, long time. Oh, and we do have pics of the Bear Jew in all his Bare Jewness, but its just too much for DGN to handle, so we have those locked in a vault now only to be taken out during Armageddon. Yes, our secret weapon! Other pics of that glorious day: As we arrived, we came upon everyone eating a delicious Manfast consisting of meat, meat, and more meat. Other pictures in the morning as we arrived: Upon seeing Spook and Taysteewonderbunny, we asked them if they wanted a beer, but Taystee clearly had it covered, lol And later, between the Mantests, Spook conducted a wonderful lesson in Shibari, which was so bad ass, even Chuck Norris got in on the action! Ahhhhh, and then there was the shot-test. My ass would have been passed out after the third one! lol Happy Birthday cake time! Woot!! We had a kick ass time at Manfast with our DGN family! Thanks so much to Chernobyl and Pestilence for allowing us to share in this stupendous event! You guys did a mantastic job in planning and conducting the event, and we look forward to going again next year!!!
  10. That's right Gary, BOW to Chernobyl!!! Happy Birthday!! We're honored we were able to spend some of it with you this weekend We had a blast!
  11. Gah!! Well, I take it she won, lol Still trying to figure out if that hand is real.......I'm 50/50 right now
  12. Oh, man! Because of who they are, and what they had riding on this, they should have settled this between them. I have mega respect for both of them, but they just look like assies now with this. Its too bad, really. Beautiful works could have come from this. **thumbs down**
  13. Wha???? No aftermath thread yet? Well, here we go! It had been a couple of months since Nightgaunt and I were at City, pre smoking-ban, so we didn’t know what to expect. The 4th of July holiday did keep the crowds away, which was cool, because we didn’t have to fight for spots on the dance floor. We ended up having a fantastic time thanks to our DGN family. It was great seeing everyone, and we’re glad that we got a chance to chit-chat for a bit. PombaGira: We got to dance with Pompa!! Yay!! Thanks for the dance beautiful! Gimp: We’re so happy we got to see you!! We miss Gimp!………“Vag-ullet!” LOL! Rambo: Good job helping me tag-team those wangs bothering our beautiful Iris!! StormKnight: At least I still get to take a quick peek-a-boo at those pic’s from time to time. Please don’t take that away from me!! lol KatRN05: It was great seeing you!! **hugs** MetalDude: “Fromunda” anything………Just say NO!! lol BlackJack: Glad you made it out! It was cool seeing you! Just a few more days until Manfast~Woot!! Riku: Awwwww, yeah! The “six pack” is coming babies!! StormKnight’s pictures are on my fantasy list, and now your six pack is resting snuggly beside……ahhhhhhhhh! lol Finn: We got to see Finny!!! Love the new hairstyle! We’ve missed you!! XillaToxic: That TOTALLY looked like you in that painting! Awesome! Iris: Gorgeous as always! Slogo&JessicaFckinRocks: Congratulations you guys! So happy for you! LillyLu & DarkMatter: Hotties!! OsakaKoneko: Loved that wig!! You looked absolutely beautiful in it! Kat: Wish we had more time to chit-chat. I think we only got to see you for a split sec~boo! Mystery Man with Kat: Not sure if you’re on DGN, but “hi!” lol If I forgot anyone I'm sorry. I remember laughing all night long about Vagullets (Vagina mullets) and a whole lot of other crazy arse topics. It was our kind of night, lol. Not sure when we’ll be back to CC, but we look forward to going again soon!
  14. Yeah, I'll definitely have to watch it, because I have been known to go overboard, lol. Like my three drink rule at CC, I think I will need to make sure that I don't eat any more than two different types of meat, and very small portions at that. If you see me going feral, however, please help me! lol **wishes there was a zombie emoticon!** Can't wait to see you guys!
  15. Okay, so its official. Nightgaunt and I will be there early Saturday, staying all day, and then leaving late Saturday night. The people in my family who used to live like Grizzly Adams apparently have gone soft and don't have anymore of their camping equipment. Its not in our budget to go buy stuff right now, and we have the little one anyway who won't be going to grandma's until Friday night. Oh, and I have to work Sunday, which sucks ass, but we have to do what we have to do, right? We're looking forward to seeing everyone! And I will be doing something very special for myself at Manfast that I wanted to celebrate with everyone going. I will be shedding my veggie skin again, and eat meat for the first time in years! Ooooooooo, I have been holding off on this because I wanted to make it good! Maybe I'll go blindfolded, and have someone surprise me. I know that sounds really dirty, but its not meant to be, lol. Manfast........here we come!!!!
  16. We plan on going! We haven't been there in months, so this will be interesting I do believe Gimp will be there, as well~ Whoo-hooo!! He's been out of state working, so come to CC tonight to see him because he'll only be here for a bit! See you tonight!
  17. Great shots! Can't wait to see Servitor again!
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