We'll be waiting......... lol!
It was like being at the Drive-In watching an adventure movie. "See the Lifting of the Loin Cloth! Shake with fear as the Bear Jew runs your way! Dine in the excitement of witnessing what very few have lived to see!!" Next time, we'd like to see the Car Wash effect! (at 1:24) lol
We enjoyed the view very much, but our car has been traumatized. The Bear Jew, who was NAKED, mind you, left this:
Zee Bare Jew ass tracks.....
There were also claw tracks down the front of our car! Now it takes a pretty bad ass motha-*uc*er to leave those kinds of tracks on a car WHILE NAKED!! lol We are honored to have been initiated into the Bare Jew clan, and do not plan on washing Vader for a long, long time.
Oh, and we do have pics of the Bear Jew in all his Bare Jewness, but its just too much for DGN to handle, so we have those locked in a vault now only to be taken out during Armageddon. Yes, our secret weapon!
Other pics of that glorious day:
As we arrived, we came upon everyone eating a delicious Manfast consisting of meat, meat, and more meat.
Other pictures in the morning as we arrived:
Upon seeing Spook and Taysteewonderbunny, we asked them if they wanted a beer, but Taystee clearly had it covered, lol
And later, between the Mantests, Spook conducted a wonderful lesson in Shibari, which was so bad ass, even Chuck Norris got in on the action!
Ahhhhh, and then there was the shot-test. My ass would have been passed out after the third one! lol
Happy Birthday cake time! Woot!!
We had a kick ass time at Manfast with our DGN family! Thanks so much to Chernobyl and Pestilence for allowing us to share in this stupendous event! You guys did a mantastic job in planning and conducting the event, and we look forward to going again next year!!!