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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. We're still going! Xilla, if you need a ride, we can swing by and get ya! We can also squeeze two more people into our car if anyone else in our area needs a ride
  2. Yes! Moti Mahal is just across the street from Lilly's if anyone wants to go there. I've never been there, but they have an all you can eat buffet (10 items) advertised for $7.95! WHAAAAT??? I'm game to try it if anyone else is I'm also looking forward to going to Dragonmead. Never been there before either. Man, I don't get out much, do I? lol http://www.motimahalroyaloak.com/moti.pdf
  3. Saw your suspension limmerick :) Are you interested in the actual act? I've done it, and its amazing! If you don't already know people who do it, I can get you in touch with the local group I work with. :)

  4. Food coma!!! lol My racist husband and I had a wonderful time at the lovely shin-dig Met some cool new folks, and talked to others we hadn't seen in a while. Damn good cooks, everyone! Jesus Christ Vampire Killer............ lol Not sure whats going to happen with the house now that our realtor/bank has royally screwed the pooch, but if it doesn't fall through, then we will definitely be having people over to celebrate
  5. Down the isle he laughs, belly bouncing, not knowing he is the fool.
  6. Nightgaunt is a racist!?!?! WTF? Why am I always the last to know? That's it! Now we're getting divorced! Tupac and Elvis are dead? Well NOW you've just gone too far! This is too much for me in one night. First its my marriage, and now my beliefs. **Shakes fist in the air** Damn you world! Damn you!! Thank you. Thank you IsleofRhodesEnt for being honest with me when no one else would.
  7. Happy Birthday!!! **Birthday Spanky Spankies** lol Hope you had a wonderful day!
  8. Had a great time last Monday night at Lily's!! It was great seeing everybody there~ the time flew by so quickly! Thanks Bernadette for keeping the night going! We look forward to the next time
  9. We're running a little late, but we'll be there around 7'ish Can't wait to see everyone!
  10. We were supposed to close on our house tomorrow, but our loan officer farked up, and now everything is up in the air. It sucks when you can see your dreams just about to come true, and then all washed down the toilet right before your very eyes.
  11. Lily's tonight!! Whoo-hoo!! Looking forward to hanging out and seeing everyone
  12. Atonement This movie was not draining, or depressing until the very end. Hope floats? Well, not with this movie.
  13. Okay, we finally decided....we're bringing Tortilla Pie, yummy!
  14. When the movie Young Guns II came out, I was 16. I saw it in the movie theater, and was really enjoying it up until the end when Billy the Kid reached for his gun in bed after he had slept with a lovely looking lady. The suggestion, of course, was that the woman stole his gun, and some douche wang behind me said, "Just like a Mexican woman." I was 16, and at that time I was trying to find myself between two families, and two cultures. As we get older, we can take insults better, so while this certainly isn't the worst thing that has ever been said to me, or in my presence, I remember it hurting like hell at the time. And so in the spirit of Deadwood, I forever deem that douche wang a "co#ksucker!"
  15. Heya! Can you PM either me or Aaron with whichever e-mail you use for paying for ManFast by PayPal? Thank you! :)

  16. Heya gorgeous! Big hugs!!**Squeeeeeeze!**

  17. Yup! Yup! We'ze a comin' LillyLu! We hopefully close on our house within the next couple of weeks, so when we settle in, we'd love to have people over, too!
  18. Yes! Thank you for starting it again! We're looking forward to it :)

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