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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. lol! We haz two threads! Muwah! Happy Birthday! http://www.detroitgothic.net/index.php?showtopic=32744&pid=680256&st=0&#entry680256
  2. We'll be going!! I'm going to try to do the zombies justice tonight............StormKnight......come out come out wherever you are! Tszura wants to eat your brains!!
  3. Me, too :( Sorry FarrIl! I've seen your work on your other sites, and I love it! I hope to be behind your lens sometime in the future, as well
  4. I used that photo to see if it would make our kids lips black, lol. She's so cute! I love her! Holy Crap!!! Birthing this big boy would kill me, lol This is a cute and fun site~Thanks LillyLu!!
  5. It's official! I'll be there volunteering chair massages on Friday night from about 6pm to 9pm. I've never been to Penguicon, so I am definitely looking forward to the experience. It sounds like an awesome event!
  6. Congrats to your nephew for coming out! "Boys Night Out" was always a blast for my friends and I when we used to hang out in AA all the time. Not sure if they do it anymore, but 10+ years ago they used to spin awesome Goth music in the basement. Ahhhhhhhh, memories, lol.
  7. Geeze-whiz, did somebody wake up on the wrong side of the bed? I said it "looked" fake, not that it was fake. I admire National Geographic, and I would hope that they would research their information fully before putting anything like that in print. It doesn't change the fact that it still "looks" fake to me. Lots of things look fake to me that are not....... The white furry lobster The blue lobster.... Axolotl.....Or as I like to call it....my Mexican "cutie-pie" Dumbo Octopus.......Looks like Pokeman Blobfish........otherwise known as Ziggy And last but not least........Chupacabra!
  8. lol! The pic looks fake! The write up and comments were killing me! How many "tuxedo" and "Ninja penguin" comments can we take? ha
  9. Hmmmmm........**turns into** yes! lol We'll be there tonight! If I have enough energy, Aaron and I may even go to Luna afterward if anyone is interested.
  10. WOWZ!! I love the furry one with the matching top! It looks so snuggley! I bow to your talents and awesomeness!
  11. In the spirit of Sifl and Ollie........Rock!
  12. I don't know what PPG is, but it sounds fun! I also need a place for Nightgaunt and I to wear our Mexican wrestling masks So lets see........we're coming over disguised, and Spooks not going to have any pants on.......anyone else? Slogo and LOS.......brace yourselves!!
  13. Yayz!! You'll still be in the area!!
  14. We'll be there! And thank you for posting the preview! Those are the first clips I have ever seen of the movie. Have I been living under a rock? Was it even advertised a few months ago? I can't wait to see/hear more Bill Murray as the badger, lol.
  15. Jesus Frickin' Frackety Foo!!! This thing almost had me in tears! It felt like a Memorial video, and not a goodbye show, lol Damn Cinderella! So you're moving? Where abouts is King Slogo moving?
  16. lol YES!!!! Okay, so I'm waiting for Reverend Reverence to chime in, as he almost......almost had me convinced to view this in another perspective. Fortunately, however, I just watched a few more of their videos...... I'm sorry, but I didn't like this kind of crap the first time it came out when all that was on the radio was the "Gin and Juice" type of songs, and I certainly don't dig it now. This band does so much for all the other shit-tastic music out there, because now I don't think all that other crap is that bad. You want Lady Gaga played at City, I say bring it! I'd almost say that I'd be ok with a little Avril Lavrine, too, but I'm not quite that far gone yet. 80's neon colors + broke down emo rap stylings + vacant 16 year booty dancing + some bizzle fitch screaming all the time = TO THE DEATH!! lol
  17. I'm a proponent of the Right to Die. I've also been affected by suicide, so I'm not saying that someone gets to off themselves when they get all emo, or even for something drastic like losing a limb, or becoming paraplegic. I'm saying that when there is absolutely no hope of getting better, and the person is suffering, that person should be able to chose a peaceful exit. My husband and I watched the Suicide Tourist last week. It was very sad. It is by no means a light decision, but we have to try to picture ourselves in their position. If you wouldn't chose it, then that's you, but I'd like to know there are other options for me, aside from shooting myself, if I ever find myself in that position.
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