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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. I think "vibration" of the breeder is how this world was blessed with that woman having a child in the first place, so aside from any damage it may or may not do (I don't think it would do any), I would prefer that SHE stay away from the jackhammers, lest she get any further breeding ideas.
  2. Hello! Welcome to DGN!! I'm sorry **Gets out Secret Decoder ring**...............you want to what!?!?
  3. That's because it is pee!! lol Hi! :)

  4. Whao! I just saw this! Congratulations!!! Many blessings, and joys to you both
  5. Ok, so I'm obviously no scientist, but anytime I see something about the Earths axis, and time changing, I think that's pretty much cause for freaking concern. I haven't read anything yet about anyone doing a fast forward on what that means for life in the future, but I'm picturing cataclysmic events. I'm picturing changes in gravitational pull, and orbit. You think Michigan weather sucks now, ha! I know none of it will happen in our lifetime, but Nature is laying on the smackdown one whoop ass at a time.
  6. And as human beings. And she lied to protect them...... If these a-holes were all she knew, though, then parental threats along with the fear of something else may have kept her from saying anything. I'm sure this poor girl doesn't trust anyone right now. :( With situations like this, I feel the barbarian in me come out. Jail/prison isn't enough. I don't care if drugs, or mental health issues were involved on the adults side. A little (actually a lot) corporeal punishment, public humiliation, and being left naked in the desert, handcuffed, with baby oil on sounds like a damn good start to some punishment to me. GRRRRRR!!!!!
  7. Depression is one of the most frightening things a person can go through. Logic doesn't work when you're depressed. You can be the richest, most beautiful, and talented person in the world, and still be depressed. People may not understand, and scowl at anyone in that position, but its F'ing horrible! I've never been depressed, but I lost someone this same way, and I know that beyond it being a mental, and emotional thing, its also very physical. It bloody hurts, and I just want to hug anyone who feels this way!! I also feel sad for his friends and family, as now they have to live with the "what else could I have done" guilt that inevitably hits people. :( Not that I would have deemed this story less sad if I thought he was bugly, but he certainly was handsome.
  8. LOL!!! "I'll do my smurfiest to represent well," the 36-year-old actor wrote on twitter. "Smurfs are rad." WTF!?!?!?! I hate it already! The fantasy casting from the link is pretty funny, though.
  9. Help me!!! Pain! All I feel is pain! lol I watched the whole thing, and I'm sorry. I didn't scream until the very end. I actually thought maybe it would get better, but oh no.......no......that was perhaps the most terrible lie I have ever told myself. I will never complain about Lady Gaga again. Oh, shit! Is this going to be the new irritating replacement at City? I keeeeed! I keeeeed!! I saw last weeks aftermath thread......
  10. Hello!!! So happy you made it! Doooooooooom shall arrive shortly.........with cookies!! Muh-hah-ha-ha! I felt the same way about social networking sites until I arrived here a year ago I love it here!! Welcome to DGN!
  11. Yeah, sorry about that! We were hungry! Greetings and welcome to DGN, Axelle Anxiety!
  12. Hello! This is the first time I have ever heard of this event, and was wondering if anyone else was going. Here's the link to the site: http://www.penguicon.org/index.php This con does look interesting, so I'm thinking about signing up to do massage.
  13. I cut people when they're sucking so much out of me that I have nothing left for myself. It's at that point, that I have no problem cutting them out. I also have no problem letting people back in, either, but they have to show that they are at least addressing their soul sucking issues. I also agree with Candyman, we're all toxic at some point, so we have to stay in touch with ourselves, and keep ourselves in check, too.
  14. LOL! I love this site! Thanks Marc! And the fact that I don't find all of them so weird probably says a lot about me, given that may be my normal, lol. I haven't gone through all of them yet, but that baby pig one is just wrong! That poor thing! And the one with the guys back to camera, posing with the two women, that's a definite WTF. It makes me think of those Bernstein Law commercials where Bernstein and all of his kids are posing in the same direction......except the son that's blind! Dudes! Help him out for crying out loud, its a family business picture that thousands of people can see **holds head in hand, and shakes**
  15. So she is? I thought she just didn't like us that day of the party. We were getting nasty vibes from her all night. People with that kind of presence and attitude are usually just insecure, jealous, and feel threatened, like they are going to be knocked off whatever pedestal they're on. And in regards to the thread topic~I completely agree! I've had to clean house on more than one occasion, even with one of my best friends. Sometimes people are not toxic when you meet them, but then things change.
  16. Sorry to hear that Draco. :( I hope you guys reported it, as sometimes the people do get busted and the cops can get your things back. There's just no safe place to live anymore! Gah!
  17. Favorite Office Kevin quote from last night, can you finish it? :) Michael: "What's the opposite of eating spicy food?" Kevin:

  18. Taking care of your dad is part of what makes you beautiful, doll! Anyone can send money, but physically caring for someone is a beautiful thing. **Hugs!**

  19. I had a great time! Lots of awesome pieces coming out on the DEAC site~Woo-hoo!! :)

  20. Good to see you at the DEAC! Hope you had fun~its a GREAT group of people, and I always have a fantastic time! :)

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