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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. So sorry to hear this sugar. My sympathies to you and the father. I hope you take this time to relax, focus on yourself, and feed your soul to heal.
  2. lol, man! I love Rip Torn! I sit here chuckling at the thought of him drunk and armed walking around in a bank after hours, but its sad, really. I hope he doesn't have dementia!
  3. Helllooo**hugz!**ooo! :) Hope to see you soon!

  4. OOps, sorry! I thought this was about underwear......
  5. Just saw that sexy awesome Hustler pic of you guys by the bar at the Dirty Show. Bloody sweeeeet!! :)

  6. **Tszura works on PM to try to convince Raev that he doesn't want money, that he would rather have some sexy pics of a certain Hawaiian in a red corset and garter ensemble...**
  7. He looked like a big nasty COCK! No, seriously, he was just walking around with his chest feathers all up in the air, and his brassy tuft of forehead hair swaying back and forth every time he yelled at someone. He usually only has nice things to say to me, and has never been that douchey. I'm not mad anymore, as everyone deserves a bad day, but damn! It was like dealing with a Pod Person! GIMP IS THE BEST!! And I agree Evil Fish! I kind of disappointed myself in my reaction, though, as not only did I let his douchey attitude make me angry, NIghtgaunt and I missed out on a lot of fun, and time with our friends by leaving early. :( What we should have done is stay, had a fantastic time, and then laughed in his face as we left. (and Pomba~yes, that was one! )
  8. **Waves** Haven't seen you in a while~hope all is well!

  9. Just be careful, and never let your penis precede you sir Nightgaunt and I had loads of fun seeing everyone there! We met some newbies, too, which was cool. Unfortunately, I let some cocksucking bouncer ruin my night, and left early. EPROM rocked it, and I was enjoying Cybertrybe, but that's where Mr. Cockie started with all his bullshit, and we left. As soon as we got home, we regretted leaving, but we're old, and didn't want to drive all the way back either.lol Soooooo, D:Konstruct, I vow to see you before I die!!!
  10. Fan-freakin'-tastic!!! Wow!! Nightgaunt and I went to Dirty on Saturday, and had the absolute BEST time while we were there! They had tons of great art, we saw lots of friends, caught some great acts, and spanked a few peeps. We were sad we had to leave early, and after the crappy happenings at City later that night, we wish we would have just stayed at Dirty. Shame on us! Lesson learned my dirty friends, lesson learned!! lol A big bow to all the performers and everyone who made this years Dirty kick ass! MUWAH!!
  11. Happy Birthday Gorgeous!! I hope you have been having a wonderfully fun-filled glorious (and naughty) day!
  12. These sunglasses.....TOTAL fashion violation! lol
  13. Hello there, beautiful! We'll definitely be looking for ya! It's going to be an awesome night! Whoo-hoo!!
  14. OMG! That's right! You're performing, too! I certainly don't want to miss that! Lula La Rose, I hope to see you in all your hawtness (as always ), on Saturday! And Oh My Goth, I think I need to rearrange my schedule for the second Dirty Show weekend so I can come out to you your sexaliscious act, too! Ice Queen, can't wait to see you, beautiful! Sin V, XillaToxic, and Raev~I'm looking forward to seeing you all rock the hotness, as well!
  15. Ooooooo, sexy sexy weekend super bloody fun times are almost here!! We'll be going to the Dirty Show this Saturday, probably around 9pm or so, as we also want to catch the Bloody Valentine show at CC on Saturday. Can't wait to see everyone! AND a Chernobyl/Pestilence performance!?! Holy cow! When? We want to see it!
  16. Whoo-hoo!! Nightgaunt and I just planned out our sexy bloody V-day weekend, and we are definitely coming to this event! EPROM Colony rocks, and I'm excited to be able to see D:Konstruct and Cybertrybe for the first time live! Can't wait to see everyone there!
  17. I've actually heard of this condition before. It's called "full of shit." I like to keep the door open on just about anything, but this one just seems a bit too much. I have no idea how long it would actually take a crystal to form, but I'm guessing it would take a lot longer than 24 hours to pop out as many as the little girl did, one at a time. Of course, this isn't taking into account all the things that can't be explained by science, so the door is still open, and I wouldn't be betting any of my fingers on it just yet.
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