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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Wow, they were really on the ball with this one, weren't they? lol I know legal issues can take a while when things like copyrights come up, but come on, its almost 30 years later. Wait a minute, I just read it again.......the lawsuit was filed just last year?!? This is like when I saw the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld come out with his own line of soups for a short time a couple of years ago.......yeah, you missed that boat buddy! lol While this all sucks, and they should have filed sooner, in the end, copyrights are there to protect people. I agree, though, as I don't think any infringement in this case is worth 60% of the royalties!
  2. **Waves and giggles** Just saw you in one of Pixi's shots on the DEAC site, lol. You're such a peeper! ;P

  3. I couldn't find it on there either :( Is there any way you could put a link up to it on the DailyMotion site so we can get to it easily? Sorry! Thanks Slogo!
  4. OH NO!!!!!! We're missing it! OMG! We've been running around, and didn't remember :( It was even on our calendar to go! Gawwrrrrrr!!! PooPooPoo! Sorry we're forgetful douches :( We wanted to see everyone! Hope lots of people showed! **HUGS!**

  5. Well, my inner little barbarian grew up watching and loving Arnolds depiction of Conan, so I don't think anyone else is going to do it for me. I can't even think of a suitable suggestion as to who it should be, but as far as the current choice.....there's a tiny Valeria inside me saying, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"
  6. Awwwww, poop! I just saw this! We'll be out of town at my dad's all day that day :( If this happens on another day other than Feb. 6th, we're in! Have fun everyone!
  7. lol...I hope this is a good thing for the video!
  8. OOps! Sorry about the double post down there, lol. The Board was doing some weird stuff that day, and didn't see my first comment, so I posted another, lol. I felt like one of the Three Stooges that day! I'm surprised you didn't end up with more like 20 duplicate comments, lol! We're putting Lilly's on our calendar, so we'll try to make it! :) Thank you...

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Make way for the sugar high!! Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come. - Lucy Larcom We hope that on this day, and every day, you realize how precious and amazing you are. Your dedication to this fine community has paved the way for countless wonderful moments, opportunities, joys, and experiences with each other that, for many of us, has changed our lives forever. Peace, love, and light to you, brother!
  10. Whao, I haven't seen Nirvana footage in a while! Awesome! Thank you! The "behind the scenes" feel is exactly why I love to read biographies, too. Just finished one on PJ Harvey, who is one of my all time favorite music artists. Regarding Kurt Cobain, from time to time I've wondered what he would be doing now.
  11. Ass Ass In? Sounds like a nasty Duck Duck Goose, lol ;P

  12. LOL! Dirty Fun Bags, and City Club freshness....what a night! ;P hahahaha

  13. Off to work, I'll see you soon! Steampunk Abe and I just wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!! **MUWAH!!** Love you!!! YUMMY!! XOXOXO
  14. Come, come kiddies!! Last Saturday was a great time! We love the creative process, and everyone has been so fun and cool to work with! EVERYONE MUST COME!! See YOU there!
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