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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. lol Shhhhhhh! This will make jolly X-mas surprise for Nightgaunt!
  2. I'm so sorry hun. May your little one rest in peace now. Bye Max :(
  3. We'll have our little one that weekend, so I don't think we'll be able to make it, but we hope you have a super fantastic uber awesome birthday!!
  4. Sending positive thoughts, and healing energies your way! I hope Max feels better soon! BIG HUGS!!!
  5. Oh, cool! You made it! XO

  6. Is that a mother/son pic? lol Nothing brings a family together like a boob scarf!
  7. LOL!! I see this all the time, too! I tell my male friends who adhere to a "no big women" policy that I hope a nice curvy woman bursts into their life and rocks their world! I remember this magazine! It was awesome! I actually used it when I was doing counseling with young girls about weight, and self-esteem/self-image. I'm sad its gone, too. :( I firmly believe that we are all born to be of a certain body type. Some of us will never be a smaller size because it just doesn't fit our bodies. Long ago, I got down to a size 10, and I hated it. In my eyes, I looked skeletal. My regular size is a 12/14, which I am, and its where I feel most comfortable. And as far as that first video, that was a fun song! I wonder if he planned on wearing Gilligan's outfit, though....ha, sorry
  8. Happy Thanksgiving love! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday! XO

  9. That b-day cake was bad-ass!! Thank you!! :) That was awesome! See you Thursday!

  10. Hey Bubba! lol Awesome pic! Suzie and the hearse are shaping up nicely
  11. YES!!! I'll take hugs from everyone!! And thanks for all the cool pics and goodies!
  12. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!! It's been an awesome day filled with much rest and relaxation My mood all day is best represented by the hilarious and sexy collaboration between these two fine and spicy (burrito!) folks....lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHv3qO_Y8kk It's amazing how freeing and goofy staying in your pajamas alllllll day can make ya feel! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hope everyone else is having an awesome day too!! Love you guys!!
  13. I agree. Unless this 22 year old adult woman was mentally handicapped in some way, and was not capable of making an adult decision, she absolutely needs to pay for what she's done. I'd say abandonment, and an attempt to commit murder at the very least. AND there's no way in this universe that she should EVER be allowed to have that child back. What pisses me off, on top of everything else about this, is that somewhere down the line she probably will be given back her parental rights. I don't think she should ever be trusted with this child again unless supervised......and even this would make me feel uncomfortable.
  14. Welcome to DGN DOC!! Can't wait to see you and the other bands on Dec. 5th at the Magic Stick!
  15. Welcome to DGN!! Detroit and the metro area always filled with cool things to do. We've never been bored!
  16. Thank yous!! :) We had a fun! Look forward to hanging out soon! **Muwah!**

  17. I had fun yesterday! Thanks so much for coming to the party! **Hugs!**

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