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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Tszura bows to anyone who eats tripe, and likes it........for me, blegh! I grew up in a family that ate Menudo(which includes cow tripe) every Sunday. I could never eat it, not even the soup its cooked in. **shudders** I admit, I'm not much of an adventurous food eater, which is why I never tried sushi until last night. Holy crap, sushi really IS good! lol Storm Knight and Gimp, I'm astonished!! You both ate a load! Sushi burps!!! lol And Storm Knight, after all that, I was afraid to hug you.....enough said, hahahaha We had a great time with everyone! It was an awesome night all around, and we look forward to the next night out with everyone.
  2. We're open to volunteering When is the next meeting time, and where?
  3. Great pics!! Can't wait to see your creation Slogo!
  4. I missed Ivy Cat in my list!! I suck! Sorry Ivy Cat, it was close to sleepytime for me when I posted. Nightgaunt was actually laughing as he watched me fight it as my eyes slowwwwwwwly closed, and then get very wide quickly as I tried to stay awake. lol Ivy Cat, you looked absolutely beautiful, as we were happy to see you. We can't wait to see the show!!
  5. [quote name='Spook' date='09 November 2009 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1257822769' post='647269' It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm. That's an awesome proposal Spook! We loved seeing everyone, and hanging out! It's been a while since I've done a list, so here goes: Chernobyl & Pestilence~You guys are awesome, and definitely started our night out right!! Raev~ Who’s the man? You da man!!! Hunhee~ HAWT!!! Me needs more Hunhee time next time!! Gimp~Great to see you! TaysteeWonderBunny-You are always so lovely!! Thanks for taking the time to do the raffle~it was fun!! Spook~Sexy Man!! And I say 10-10-10!! lol LOS~ Twas a pleasure sir! Now I finally understand that quote……oh, and what “bromance” means, lol Slogo~King Slooooooogooooooo!! Rock! Eevee~ So sweet!! Can’t wait to see TomCats pic’s of us!! Troy~ Yayyy!! Great to see you out and about, AND dancing!! Lillylu~ So glad to have met you in person! Love the hair! Jabberwock~ The man, the myth…..The Jabberwock!!! Stormknight~**Hugs and rubs belly** BlackJack~ Had fun dancing! Fin~ My sexy bro! I wish we would have had more time to hang out! I believe there was a situation or two that could have used our WonderTwin Powers Roman~ Good to see you man! Fidget & Ripley~ You both looked fantastic! Torn Asunder~ The master of disguise without even trying! Good to chat with you for a bit. Phee ~ Weeeeeeee! Awesome seeing you there! Bean water & Eternal~ okay, so you now know about the belly string dance…..please pass it on! Lol Can’t wait for Thanksgiving! Aequorea~Beauty and brains all wrapped into one! Gothkytten~ Thanks so much for the kissies! PRick~ Good to see you out Prick! Eleven ~ Glad we had a chance to say “hi.” You looked like you were having fun! Yaaayy!! Nienna~ Gorgeous!! So happy we got some good dancing in! TheOsakaKoneko~Only saw you for a bit in the bathroom, and then you disappeared! Where did you go? Riku~ **Squeezies!!** Constantine~ Love the beard!! ThatDeadGurl~ Thanks so much for the steam punk info! GothicRavenGoddess~ That skirt rocked!! You looked beautiful! DeathFearsNone~Good to see you! Hope your job interview went well XillaToxic~ You looked hot! Can’t wait to see your next show! DarqueMetallion~ Rock on! Happy for you that they called ya back to work! Tanuki~ You sizzle!!! DarkChylde~ He-haaaayyyyy! You frizzle the sizzle on the moepizzle! So many people showed up, it was fantastic! Thanks again to Troy, the mods, and everyone who helped out. There were a few people that I didn’t get a chance to see or meet, so I’m looking forward to the next opportunity!
  6. Not at all! I remember we both made it out of the Mouth of Madness around the same time near the end of the night, and had a refreshing chat. THANK YOU!
  7. Last night was one of the best nights at CC we’ve had in a long arse time! I’ll post a list later (rockin‘ job Evee!!), but I just wanted to say now that we had a fantastic time with everyone. The vibe for us was excellent! And to my surprise, some old silly drama lifted, which made the night uber fantastic! Thanks to Raev, Hunhee, Chernobyl, Pestilence, TaysteeWonderBunny, Spook, StormKnight, Roman, our founding father, Troy, and everyone else who made the night possible! We love everybody, and can’t wait to see you all again! Raev~ You absolutely ROCK for donating the money back to DGN! Thank you!! And Gimp~ We love you man! Show Gimp some love!!
  8. Your avatar pic kicks ass!

  9. We're excited! Everything will be maRAEVelous! ;P

  10. Exactly! And I agree with those who said at least he had a job. And what's with this story about "three skinheads or Hispanic males dressed in black"? He could have said three skinheaded or bald Hispanics....it just seems funny to me that he seperated the description like that. My very first boyfriend did something stupid like this after our break-up. He showed up at my house crying, and gasping, saying he was just walking down the street and someone jumped out of the bushes and stabbed him. He finally let me take a look, and all I saw was a teeeeeeeeeny tiny scratch that wasn't even bleeding. Stabbed my ass! Bunghole got back in my house, though, and my dumb ass felt sorry for him at the time. Anyone who would stab themselves, or even lie about, clearly has other issues going on. So the Blockbuster guy didn't have to go to work, but now he has an ER bill, had to sit at the hospital for a few hours, AND is now totally busted. Should have just gone to work genius!!! lol Thanks for the good laugh LillyLu!
  11. OMG, Gimp, if you don't show up, then it will be StormKnight VS. the rest of us, and from what I've been reading from this thread, that is still going to be one hell of a challenge! lol
  12. I agree with Pomba. We can't just turn our emotions on and off. When things like that are said, I believe that they are meant, but only in that moment. Time passes, and sometimes the love is still there, and sometimes not. I think things like that are also said to ease the pain, and intensity of the moment on both sides because they do care. It may not ring true forever, but in that moment, it is the truth. As a side note, I hate it when people say, "It's not you, it's me," during a break-up. Oh, Guffaw!!!
  13. Sweet! Can't plan anything right now, as that is my vacation and we may be away, but we'll try to make it if we can!! Rock on!!
  14. **waves** Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! See you Saturday! :)

  15. Welcome to DGN!! This is an awesome place to be! Poke around, explore the threads, post, and get to know us And so we can get to know you..... Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or covered elsewhere already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over! If you have a website / personal journal link to us! Hope to see you out and about soon!
  16. Sweet! You made it! :)

  17. That sounds fantastic! I'll have more time starting mid-December after school is over. Just swing me any ideas you have when you're ready~ooooooo, fun, fun!! ;)

  18. Uh-oh! I hope you see this~ the time has been set for 7pm on Nov. 14th
  19. You guys are awesome!! Nightgaunt and I are very sad that we missed it this year :( We ended up going to a friends party where we didn't know anyone, and were not introduced around. It was a night of standing in the corners, moving from room to room, and hovering over circles of conversation, hoping someone would be friendly enough to let us in.......nope. WTF kind of party is that? Not a DGN/CC party, that's for sure!! We won't make that same mistake again! We missed everyone, and we're glad everyone had a fun time, and made it home safe
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