[quote name='Spook' date='09 November 2009 - 10:12 PM' timestamp='1257822769' post='647269'
It was funny when I proposed to her. I won't list all her names because I don't know what she wants disclosed, but I said, "Calix [first name] [middle name] [maiden last name] [married/divorced last name], will you marry me?" It sounded like I was proposing to a law firm.
That's an awesome proposal Spook!
We loved seeing everyone, and hanging out!
It's been a while since I've done a list, so here goes:
Chernobyl & Pestilence~You guys are awesome, and definitely started our night out right!!
Raev~ Who’s the man? You da man!!!
Hunhee~ HAWT!!! Me needs more Hunhee time next time!!
Gimp~Great to see you!
TaysteeWonderBunny-You are always so lovely!! Thanks for taking the time to do the raffle~it was fun!!
Spook~Sexy Man!! And I say 10-10-10!! lol
LOS~ Twas a pleasure sir! Now I finally understand that quote……oh, and what “bromance” means, lol
Slogo~King Slooooooogooooooo!! Rock!
Eevee~ So sweet!! Can’t wait to see TomCats pic’s of us!!
Troy~ Yayyy!! Great to see you out and about, AND dancing!!
Lillylu~ So glad to have met you in person! Love the hair!
Jabberwock~ The man, the myth…..The Jabberwock!!!
Stormknight~**Hugs and rubs belly**
BlackJack~ Had fun dancing!
Fin~ My sexy bro! I wish we would have had more time to hang out! I believe there was a situation or two that could have used our WonderTwin Powers
Roman~ Good to see you man!
Fidget & Ripley~ You both looked fantastic!
Torn Asunder~ The master of disguise without even trying! Good to chat with you for a bit.
Phee ~ Weeeeeeee! Awesome seeing you there!
Bean water & Eternal~ okay, so you now know about the belly string dance…..please pass it on! Lol Can’t wait for Thanksgiving!
Aequorea~Beauty and brains all wrapped into one!
Gothkytten~ Thanks so much for the kissies!
PRick~ Good to see you out Prick!
Eleven ~ Glad we had a chance to say “hi.” You looked like you were having fun! Yaaayy!!
Nienna~ Gorgeous!! So happy we got some good dancing in!
TheOsakaKoneko~Only saw you for a bit in the bathroom, and then you disappeared! Where did you go?
Riku~ **Squeezies!!**
Constantine~ Love the beard!!
ThatDeadGurl~ Thanks so much for the steam punk info!
GothicRavenGoddess~ That skirt rocked!! You looked beautiful!
DeathFearsNone~Good to see you! Hope your job interview went well
XillaToxic~ You looked hot! Can’t wait to see your next show!
DarqueMetallion~ Rock on! Happy for you that they called ya back to work!
Tanuki~ You sizzle!!!
DarkChylde~ He-haaaayyyyy! You frizzle the sizzle on the moepizzle!
So many people showed up, it was fantastic! Thanks again to Troy, the mods, and everyone who helped out. There were a few people that I didn’t get a chance to see or meet, so I’m looking forward to the next opportunity!