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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. We're definitely coming to your par-tay! :)

  2. “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” -- Dr. Seuss (Okay, before you barf, read the rest of this please ) We can’t shut-up about it, so I’m sure most people have already heard that Nightgaunt and I are getting married this weekend. We are truly excited about the upcoming ceremony, and looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together. As DGN has a special place in our hearts, we definitely wanted our DGN friends and family present at our celebration. Unfortunately, as these shin-digs do cost money, we couldn’t invite everyone, which totally sucks! For this reason, we want to celebrate with anyone that’s able to show up at City Club two weekends later, on October 10, 2009. There’s no formal party planned. We just want to chill out, and see everyone So come celebrate and be merry with a couple of old farts at City on October 10th!! See you there!!
  3. We're so there!!!! And from what I heard, they are indeed all sold out! Not sure if they will release any more tickets at the last minute. If anyone is interested in going now, my best suggestion would be to keep putting the word out. Some people discover at the last minute that they can't go, and need to get rid of their tickets. We're very excited about this! We went last year and had a blast! I haven't figured out a costume yet, though. It was bloody cold last year, so I need to make sure I layer it up. Was thinking of maybe going as one of the Three Little Pigs, female version of course Hunhee and Pleasurekatzen, we will definitely see you there!!!!
  4. Tavi Gevinson: 13 Year Old Fashion Blogger September 23rd, 2009 - 9:33 pm ICT by GD By Madhuri Dey New York, Sep 23 (THAINDIAN NEWS) There have been many fashion bloggers in recent times but thirteen year old Tavi Gevinson has emerged out of nowhere and grabbed all the attention of fashion followers. And what is more is that, at the tender age of thirteen, she has become the darling fashion trend setter of the elite fashion class. Tavi was invited as a special guest at the recent New York Fashion Week and shared the front row with the likes of Maria Cornejo, Marc Jacobs, Yohji Yamamoto and Alexander Wang. Her blog “Style Rookie” is one of its kind and has already grabbed the desired attention of the stars. Tavi describes herself in her blog as, “Tiny 13 year old dork that sits inside all day wearing awkward jackets and pretty hats. Scatters black petals on Rei Kawakubo’s doorsteps and serenades her in rap. Rather cynical and cute as a drained rat. In a sewer. farting. And spitting out guts.” At the tender age of thirteen when other children like her are playing games and studying hard to up their grades, Tavi is all set to rock the Fashion world with her weird outlook and style. The youngster has already been photographed and is seen on the cover page of various magazines. She has also been offered by the editor of ‘Pop’ magazine, Dasha Zhukova to write a fashion column for the magazine. Kate Mulleavy, who is famous along with her sister for their Rodarte label, says of the little genius, “Tavi makes you think about things differently, makes you see things differently.” To read more: http://specials.msn.com/A-List/Tavi-Gevinson.aspx?cp-searchtext=Tavi%20Gevinson&FORM=MSNHAL ............................ There are some critics out there that are expressing their concern that Tavi, and those like her, are too young to be “thrust” into something like this. They talk about the dangers of our young exposing themselves too much through blogging, and then all the pressures of being involved in the intense and fast moving industry of fashion. I can understand the concerns about exposure on the internet, but there are dangers everywhere. From just reading about her a little bit, this Tavi seems like a young girl with an old soul. These critics need to be less worried about our creative, and independent minded youth, and be more concerned with these little girls: AAAAGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I can’t stand it when parents parade their little children around like young adults, splattering their innocent little faces with caked-on make-up so they look like tramps. And the way they have to move on stage.......ewwwwwww, makes my skin crawl! There’s just something terribly wrong with having a 4 year old girl prancing and sashaying around on stage like she was 25. Tavi = thumbs up 4 year old vapid beauty queen in training = thumbs down x infinity
  5. That would be awesome!!! Thank you! Have fun this weekend Hunhee!!!
  6. ***puts head in hand and shakes*** I know animals enjoy the attention, but I'm betting they can sense the difference between being gawked and laughed at versus being given positive and loving attention. I'm with jynxxx~It's the traumatizing that I would worry about.
  7. Heya! Hope things are picking up on your end :)

  8. Yessssss!!!! Being Dirty is better in groups!
  9. We'll be going Friday, October 2!! Whooooo-hoooooo! We can't wait!!
  10. The horse laid dead on the ground, and yet she still beat it.
  11. Greetings! Hope all is well! :)

  12. Hellz Yeah!!!! Holy cow, Chernobyl, great purchase!! I know it's going to be a lot of work to fix it up just the way you want it, but you always do your homework, and will find the best route to take Those room-to-room entryways look like coffin lids, which is totally bad ass!!
  13. I agree with jammers and Brenda, that sounds illegal, and the Family Medical Leave Act protects people from this kind of stuff. I believe you have to fill papers out beforehand, but when you do, you can use it on a regular basis, or intermittently if needed. I work in a nursing home and there are a couple of CENA's that need to use it about once a week due to family health issues. They never know when stuff is going to get bad, so when they have to call in, they say its FMLA, and they can't get fired. I would fight it any way you can while you're looking for other work. And if I see anything, I'll be sure to let you know! Hang in there!
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