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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. WOW!!!! That color is rockin', and you look gorgeous as always....funny face and all!
  2. If you could hear a song being raped...........this would be it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZqEqypU4cs And to make it worse, they thought they would be cool, and get that ass crack Lol Tolhurst in the video, too! SHAME!!!! On the other side....the two versions of LoveSong I think are good are the ones from Snake River Conspiracy, and Jack Off Jill
  3. Frogs. Ribbit, ribbit, apple pie. Sandra, hopeful, kissed the frog at the fair.
  4. Watched it a few hours ago.........We love cheesy movies, musical, rock opera's, and the whole lot, but we just weren't feeling the cheese factor on this one. Maybe I have to watch it more than once to really feel the cheese......to get my hands in it like the Repo Man...... The first time I saw Shock Treatment, the follow up to Rocky Horror, I was disappointed. And then I watched it a couple of times, and now I love it!! As for Repo, breaking it all down....I think the way they filmed it was absolutely beautiful, the cast all had great singing voices, the instrumentation rocked it out, and it was a fabulous concept overall. While I enjoyed it, in the end, I just feel a little **mmmeh** about it. I agree with Osaka....many of the songs didn't feel like actual songs. Much of the singing was more about the regular dialogue between characters versus an actual song about what was going on. Okay, now that I've poo-poo'd on a it a little, I'm going to go out with my millions, and lack of personal talent and creativity, and make the most awesome dark opera ever!! Aside from my little poo-poo, many kudos to everyone who worked on this as, all in all, it truly is a beautiful movie.
  5. **Grins and waves Hellllllllo** ;)

  6. In addition..... May your old boss, and for good measure, anyone who looks like your old boss come down with violent chronic diarrhea coupled with a hardcore case of Crohns disease, and a lifetime of hot irritable bowel syndrome! Sorry Eternal, this really sucks! It's amazing what kind of frickin' cutthroat games we have to play sometimes, even though it may make us feel dirty, just to come out ahead. It won't do anything for your financial situation, but maybe it would be a good release to write another letter to them telling them exactly what you think about them, and what hell you went through there. I would also write a letter to the owner, CEO, or whomever is in charge of everything to let them know what happened to you.
  7. Peace stake planted, his nemesis cowered in fear at her loss of meaning.
  8. He lives!!!!!! :p Miss ya! Hope to see you soon, sugar!

  9. OMG!! Performing with Voltaire? You rock! Sadly, we will be out of town for this event :( Have fun everyone!!!
  10. Hello! I've seen you in a few performances, and I think you are wonderful!! :)

  11. OMG!! Frogs is hilarious! Warning~seeing Sam Elliot before he became scruffy is weird! Liquid Sky I dig the 80s pop fashion in this movie. She also did a piece in Penthouse around that time, but she looked cookie-cutter. A very disappointing spread!
  12. ;P Peek-a-boo! **squeeze!**

  13. The snoopy dance!!! lol! An old friend of mine used to do that at CC all the time. That's good stuff right there!

  14. ;)~ DGN at Ren Fest, Sept. 5th!!! You should go!!
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