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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. I think I conga'd once......I was blitzed, and I don't remember a thing. I sure hope I had my pants on! Ok~TMI!! While the music was less than desired, Nightgaunt and I had a good time visiting with our DGN family Thanks for the warm fuzzies everyone! Hope to see everybody this Saturday!!
  2. I just finished my internship at the Salvation Army Rehab Center where I had the opportunity to do group and 1:1 therapy with men who either perpetrated domestic violence, or were substance abusers, or both. I was there for about 8 months, and in that time I saw many of the men grow and take accountability for what they had done. I don't condone, or excuse any of their behavior, and as a victim of domestic violence myself when I was in my late teens/early twenties, I know what the other side is like. As someone who has been on the other side, it was good to see that some people are truly sorry for what they have done, and when they come to understand the why's, and how's of it all, whether its related to their childhood, or not, they can let go of being controlled by their anger, fears, and negative pasts to construct a positive way of life for the present, and future. So for the men who were honestly trying to change, this song is for them. I picture them valiantly protecting their Hope for a brighter future, fighting their current demons so that they can change and have a better life. I have never made it through listening to this song without crying Wolfsheim-Twelve They were twelve of the bravest men that I've ever seen They were waiting on a mountain top to defend their queen Against the rambling troops of bandits hiding in the stormy night And when they heard hollow steps nearing they knew they had to fight They were twelve and they were fighting. Their blood covering their hands Against the growing crowd of enemies no one of them could stand Just the oldest of our brave men was resisting in his rage But when he also fell he left this world at fifteen years of age They were twelve of the bravest men that I have ever seen Much too young and much too courageous and much too valiant
  3. Great Gothie-Cakes~WTF O-M-G!? LOL That head cake is completely awesome, yet terribly frightening! I want to eat it!! XOXOXO !!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHEE!!!!!
  4. Right-O!!!! You know, I'm not even sure if she's still around, but I still have "Pixie" sightings now an again at City Club, lol!.........just so you know
  5. As a little sapling, my room was covered in James Dean memorabilia. When my dad took me to his supposed gravesite, and to the little museum of James Dean collectibles, I swear, I was swooning at every turn. :->
  6. Even though I don't like it, I can understand this policy if it has something to do with science and safety issues. If it's just to make the next person a little more comfortable, sorry, then this policy sucks. In the face of wankers who won't shut up, crying babies, and people who stink, snuggling up next to some extra poundage is the least of my worries on a long flight. I come from a large family, in size and girth, so I realize I am a little biased. When you see the pain on a family members face, however, who has just been asked to get off a ride for being too big, then you may feel different, too.
  7. **Huggies!!** I hope you have a wonderful time tonight, and that you make it back home safe....oh, and that you get to squeeze some nice big boobies!! :)

  8. Hooray to a wonderful union of two beautiful souls!!! The pics are fantastic guys!! And what a moving ceremony!
  9. It's amazing how some things just fit into place beautifully
  10. Hi beautiful!!! Thanks for the positive feedback on the pics! I was so nervous! Everything is groovy on my end :) How have you been? Hope to see you soon! :)

  11. WOW!!!!! I LOVE the style of the ring!!! Excellent selection!!
  12. "Casu Marzu"~Holy Cow crap!!! (Of which I'd rather eat by the way ;-> ) So it said: "Casu Marzu causes some hazardous risks, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and bloody diarrhea." Doesn't THAT tell us we're not supposed to eat it!?!?! lol!! Ewwwwwwwwww!
  13. And so she said farewell to her precious son, crossing the rocky terrain.
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