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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Ok, fine.....Tszura's in blue, and Spook is in yellow.....now do you really want that? lol
  2. Noooooo, nope, nope, no-no-no, nopey-nope-nope!! STAYING SOBER!! ALLLLLLLLLLL night long!!
  3. Poppet, you have my eternal permission to kick my very ass if you see me getting sloshed again! lol You rock for watching out for me!! And whatever I can EVER do for you, I'm so there!! Fair warning....I have Ninja's!! And Poppets!! lol
  4. Oooooo, yes, yes!!! Looks like lots of people will be out and about this Saturday!! I hope everyone makes it!! I'll be going for sure.......SOBER!!!!
  5. Hmmmm, well, do you remember telling me you loved introducing people? And then then there was that whole "balls of steel" comment, lol If you remeber any of that, then, yup, that was you gorgeous!!
  6. OMG! Well, about once every 5 years Tszura does the drunken “walk of shame” out of CC, and apparently last Saturday was the night! Not sure where it all went horribly wrong, but if I said anything, or did anything stupid, please forgive me. I was having a wonderful time hanging out with Envious Poppet, Poppet’s friend Nicole?, Alaska Sunrise, Fin, Riku, and Stimey before I crashed and burned. I now have a 1 drink limit!! And Stimey is my hero for driving me home, and taking such good care of me!!! I owe you one buddy!! I also met a few new people, of which I only remember a couple of names. You know, it’s easier to remember names when I see them on DGN, so I guess that means we should all post more!! From who I remember: Envious Poppet and Alaska Sunrise: Poppet~ Your ensemble was AMAZING!! You looked stunning (as always)!! Alaska~ Good looking AND a gentleman…sweeeeeet!! I always have a great time hanging out with you two! Nicole: Not sure if you’re on DGN, but I enjoyed meeting you. Fun, fun!! Fin: I enjoyed hanging out, as always. We need to dance more next time!! Spook: Good to see you again! You always leave so early!! (I’m a bad influence, though, so don’t listen to me lol) Riku: Thanks for lending me your shoulder to cry on. Riku, you are a true friend. Stimey: Still my hero!! Dark Metallion: Sounds like the Harley Fest rocked~awesome!! Good luck with the project! Dark Chylde: Saw you for sec, then you sat back down surrounded by some beautiful ladies….nice place to be Angel of Death and Dani: I hope you got your keys out, and are back to being fully functional with your car again Good seeing you both!! Slingerlandstyx: Didn’t get a chance to talk much, but it was cool to see you again. AstralCrux: It was a pleasure meeting you beautiful! Love your fearless personality!! Nightgaunt: Yaaaaaay, I got to meet Nightgaunt!! Good man!! Black Jack: I enjoyed meeting you, too! Hope we all get a chance to chit-chat more next time. Reav: I wanted to wish you a “Happy B-day” in person, but didn’t get to meet you. I actually went up to someone on the dance floor that I thought was you to wish a happy b-day, but twas not you :( Sorry! I hope you had a good time, though, for your special day I know I met some others, but can’t remember names at the moment~sorry! Hope to see everyone next Saturday…..sober!!! XXOOXX Tszura
  7. LOL! That Kincaid/ Daylight thing made me scream with terror!! :)

  8. Granted! You've been a part of a secret pact of scientists in possesion of the worlds only time machine. Everyone gets to have it for one trip, and then pass it on to the next member. You decide with this turn that you will go back in time to pick up Gandhi, Einstein, and Nostradamus, and have them over for dinner. One of your fellow scientists has agreed to go pick everyone up so you can cook a fabulous meal. Dinner time is getting close, and you are extremely excited, but notice that you have been experiencing the last 30 minutes over and over again. Something has gone terribly wrong, and you are caught in a time loop! So now you know who's coming to dinner, but they will never get there. (AND you're caught in a time loop~ which sucks!! lol) .......................................................................... I wish I was a sculptor.
  9. Pose for artsy photos glammed up with our tresses shaped by Osadia, the hair sculpture artists.
  10. "Yeah!!" for you guys and LOVE!! Thread was locked...but still wanted to say "HOORAY!!" ;)

  11. You must like torture, ;-> lol

  12. ***BIG HUGS!!***

  13. ****MUWAH!!****

  14. Get that finger out of your nose!! ;)~

  15. Good to meet you and Michiko last night! ;)

  16. Hunt down a flux capacitor, read The Idiots Guide to Nuclear Energy, and drive a De Lorean at 88 mph, screaming “1.21 gigawatts!!”
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