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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Miss you!!



  2. Granted……You now have memories of being the Doors # 1 groupie. You remember partying with Morrison and the band, traveling with them all over the world, and then writing a best selling book about how cool it was back then…….unfortunately, all your memories are lies, as you did so much acid, peyote, and shrooms back in the day your mind is so blown that you lost all touch with reality.~which is that you’re actually a junkie on 8 mile~sorry!!! I wish I could meet my ancestors of 200 years ago
  3. Thanks for the well wishes! :) My recovery is going well, and I can already tell a difference. Now, if someone drops me off at the side of the road with no glasses, I'll actually be able to make it home! lol *Hugs** See you soon!

  4. I'm with you Pandora I fear that sometimes things get a bit heated, and people cross over to personal attacks, which is not necessary. We're all adults here. We can all learn, express ourselves, and share ideas/viewpoints respectfully without any of that drama. I love you guys!!!!!
  5. Whoooo-hoooooo! I got my sticker!! Yeah!! Danka!! (Sorry, I honestly made the pics smaller, but for some reason they always just came out this size-yikes!!"
  6. Yes, but people here actually attempt to investigate what happened. Very different down there. And now we're of topic~ sorry
  7. I agree that there needs to be rules, but these rules also need to change and adapt to society as it too changes. In Mexico, there are basically two classes of people, the rich, and the poor. Any middle class is almost non-existent. I agree that if we want change, we need to make change. And people do fight for change there, but its dangerous. Years ago I spent three months studying in in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and heard of many instances where people who stood up to the government were either murdered, or came up missing. Mexico is a beautiful place, and it will always be in my heart, but the government there sucks. Poor people have no rights. It's about power, control, and the allocation of resources. A very small percetage of the population there has control over the whole country. People think life sucks here sometimes, but its much worse there. I'm not saying this is an excuse to open our borders for just anyone to come in at any time. What I'm saying is that I understand why people do it, I don't get mad, and I'd much prefer to work on positive solutions, rather than draw a hard line.
  8. LOL Scotty, huh?

  9. absolutely! As we all know how quickly our governmental processes work for those who have no power/control, hunhee is right, it does take years for an applicants petition for citizenship to even come up. I've known people where it has taken 15 plus years to just get their foot in the door. When contemplating issues like this, I always try to put myself on the other side. When you have no money, no food, three pieces of wood for a house, and absolutely no prospects of a future in your country, the allure of America becomes great. Would I wait 15 years to do it legally, or try to cross that border any way that I could to feed my children, and provide the possibility of something more? Well, I guarantee you my butt's swimming, catapulting, hiding under a car, or in someone's suitcase to cross that border for work versus starving to death! I realize that illegal immigration puts one heck of a strain on our economy, and that there are a lot of things that happen that are not fair. The issues revolving around our economy seem to include healthcare costs, public assistance, taxes, and taking jobs away. I don't have any figures, but illegal immigrants are not the only ones taking advantage of our public assistance, and healthcare. I am painfully reminded of the MANY American scam artists that took advantage of people's good will when the Katirna disaster first hit. I don't recall any illegal immigrant gettings busted for taking free housing, food, and other item becasue they said they were affected by Katrina when they really were not. With taxes, I wish they could pay taxes, and I'm sure they do too, as they would also be able to reap the benefits. And finally, with jobs, instead of getting mad at people who want a better life and will take any job they can get, why not be mad at the employers who would downsize or get rid of a more expensive work force to replace them with cheap labor? We should petition and expose the employers for issues like this. We are all working within some form of societal structure which includes law, and I do agree that we need immigration laws for our safety. I agree, but I also understand the other side. If we want to stop illegal immigration, then we need to quicken the application process. Having it take 15 plus years is not good enough, and will only encourge continued illegal immigration. We need to streamline, and improve the process. Instead of spending billions on policing the borders, and using high tech arial equipment, that money could be better spent on instituting an improved immigration process. Has brute force ever really solved anything anyway? People will always find a way around it. For a peek at Bush's current reforms, click here For me this plan is merely a jumping off point, and needs much tweaking. Notice the "Temporary Worker" progam from Bush's reforms. "To relieve pressure on the border and provide a lawful way to meet the needs of our economy, the proposal creates a temporary worker program to fill jobs Americans are not doing. To ensure this program is truly "temporary," workers will be limited to three two-year terms, with at least a year spent outside the United States between each term." Who's using who here? And some of the beefing up of our security seems more like we're trying to protect ourselves from killer zombies, as opposed to people who just want a shot at a better life. ***Did you hear that?.....Did.....did...did someone just say "BRAAAIIIINNSSS!" ?*** lol
  10. Have a dread and nipple piercing extravaganza! (Edited.......forgot to put in "piercing" the 1st time...lol~ hmmmm, what was I thinking?!? haha)
  11. I know I complain about it now and again just like everyone else, but City will always be the place I go back to. Luna is indeed cleaner and propagates less drama, but City will always flourish in my blackened little heart, lol. I always have good time at both places, but then again, a good time is wherever you make it.
  12. The Mole People~never met anyone else whose read this one : ) I loved it too!! It was very moving, and amazing to read about an entire group of people living underground. Reading The God Delusion myself at the moment. Good to see so many people reading this. Fair warning, I may PM you to discuss! :-> I also really like biographies. The last book I read was Street Zen: The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey It's about a man (now deceased) who boozed, drugged, and sexed it up early on in life only to be led to a place of peace and love through buddhism, and through his creation of a hospice for people living with AIDS. It's a great example of how one person really can make a difference.
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