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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. give necessary time and space to rule on throne……LOTS and LOTS of space ***remembering Oh My Goth’s recent pic in Corrupted Wish Game*** LOL oh, and try to convince that leg warmers, Gary Gnu, and Mr. Goodbody weren't all that bad
  2. Get cozy with corrupt third world leaders for some of their nuclear energy and gank the Delorean from Farmer Bob’s barn that he has been saving to drive to HotLanta during the “off season.” Hmmm, now how to we raise the money for that? I know, we can do the whole "trade up" thing, and start out with a paper clip!
  3. Stymie never burns out. He just keeps going....and going...and going.... and going.....lol

  4. Whoo-hoo!! I didn't know you were on here! Sweet! Hope all is well :) Rock on!!

  5. Calling you from la Toilette? When have I EVER done that? lol

  6. Granted! You’re cured!! Now that your body has nothing to combat, however, each of your organs and systems are working on overdrive. Chaos in your body ensues, and like an orchestra at the pinnacle of its arrangement, your body tenses up with extreme energy, and then you die due to the inner explosion. Sorry! I wish I was a metalsmith.
  7. Granted! You just received your Bachelors in English, your Masters in Contemporary Literature, and your Ph.D in English history with a focus on 18th century European texts. The world is at your fingertips!! On your way up to the podium, however, to accept your awards, you wave to all of your family and friends, not seeing the crinkle in the carpet. You trip, hitting your head on an empty chair. Ouch! You wake up with a crowd of people around you. “What happened? Who are they? What am I doing here? Who am I?” You now have complete amnesia, and don’t remember anything! Oh, and your memory lasts for only 5 seconds. What? I said your memory lasts for only……. I wish I could live on the moon.
  8. Granted! All of the stray cats and dogs of the world have now found good homes. Unfortunately, there were so many, that it literally meant having at least one cat/dog in each household…..which is EXACTLY what they wanted! On day three of the mass adoption, all the stray cats and dogs rise up and unite, turning the tables on humans using their bad breath and mind control. (Hmmmmm, I suddenly feel like drinking milk, and eating some tuna.) I wish I were a master craftswoman.
  9. Welcome back!!

  10. One of the things I love most about our elders, is that sometimes they don’t give a flying fart what anyone thinks, and will tell you exactly what they think. Sometimes they have it right, sometimes they don’t. And sometimes they’re just being crotchety. Anyway once slices it, they’re our elders, and part of the respect they deserve, for me anyway, comes from honoring life towards the end of life. Getting old sucks! Our elders put up with crap :0 like diarrhea, dentures, loss of sight, loss of hearing, constipation, dementia, prolapsed and deteriorating organs, incontinence, heart problems, etc etc…and sometimes all at once!. Anyone who can walk around with all that mess going on gets my respect no matter what……...unless I find out they were some perv child molester or something, and then they can just kiss my butt. I agree with TygerLili in that if one of our elders is being completely rude or is raising hell, we don’t have to be rude in return. Just be as courteous as possible to provide what ever service is needed, and move on. Maybe the extra smile that day will have done them some good. Maybe they’re also thinking…“ I’ll show respect, when I’m given respect.” And since they were here first, I acquiesce.
  11. It’s about dignity, respect, and honoring our forefathers/mothers in any way we can. They have put up with a lot of crap in their lives (and still do), and still lived through it. We need to learn from our elders, and take more than just a few pointers. Overall, they’ve known the pains of struggle, and value commitment. I’m not saying that none of us have known truly dark times, but we have so many more comforts in today’s society than 20+ years ago. We are a “fast food” thinking culture, and definitely need to change that. Hopefully we will all get a chance to grow old, and I’m sure we will all want the same respect, and dignity when its our turn. LOL~ I love this! And Fierce Critter, you and I are on the same wavelength : ) I agree with all of your answers. Certain people truly do have special needs. Young people have more opportunities to make money, and earn a living. Social Security sucks, and so does Medicare. By giving an elderly person a discount, this is making a difference, even if its just a small one. Without giving them these little things here and there, many elderly people couldn't afford to live on their own. Many already have to decide between eating, or paying for their heart medication. And what's the alternative if they have no family to care for them? If they get a job, they run the risk of running their frail bodies further in the ground, which may take them to the hospital sooner, which just costs Medicare more money~our tax dollars at work. And if they have no family to take them in, they end up in a nursing home on Medicaid~our tax dollars at work. The government hasn't figured out yet (or maybe doesn't want to) that by improving community services to keep our elderly in the community safely, they will save more money than by doing the band-aid approach. I like this :->
  12. *Hugs*Hugs*Hugs* for me please!! And a little known fact. I know from a credible source * that Roxy Music’s original lyrics for Love is the Drug were as follows: “A hug is the drug and I need to score…. A hug is the drug got a hook on me…. Oh, catch that buzz, A hug is the drug I’m thinking of, Oh, can’t you see, A hug is the drug for me” Lol *Hugs* for EVERYONE!! (*Credible source= My dead cat Lenn )
  13. I plan on going, whoo-hooo! See everyone there! And Stevie~your picture of Grace Jones rocks!! I love her!!
  14. Thanks for being an ambassador for DGN, and turning me on to it :) I already love it! It was nice to see you again at City~take care!

  15. Thanks everyone for such a warm and awesome welcome! I already love it here!!
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