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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Damn. This is exactly why I don't like to get on fair rides that flip fast, or go hi. Very sad.
  2. +1 I'm sorry Havoc. I can't imagine what it would be like to have to let someone go like that even if it was the best thing at the time. I hope that when she gets older, she will understand, and want to get to know you again.
  3. He may not have started out like that, but he's like that now. You had a wonderful suggestion about going to the VA Hospital, but he didn't want to do it. It sounds like he just wants to play the victim, have you be his mommy, and wipe his butt. If he just wants your money, he may also have a drug problem. My first BF cried, and whined, and really emo'd it up for me to get him a new muffler. He made it sound like his life was going to end if he didn't get it fixed, so my dumb 20 year old ass gave him the $300 to supposedly get it fixed. When he came home, though, his muffler was just as loud. He lied to me, but I had no real way to prove it because I didn't know a thing about cars. When your heart breaks every day, after a while, you just have to move on and save yourself.
  4. I love it when they're in complete denial about this, too. They can't see it, or don't want to see it, and justify their actions so smoothly. Different realities.
  5. As she ran, Rosie became lost in delight as she relived her first kill.
  6. She hunched over his almost lifeless body, sweat dripping off her face, glistening in the moonlight, surrounded by silence.
  7. Cool stamps!! The art of writing letters is dying, so I love to see when people take the time to really personalize when sending
  8. I'd have as many friends and family as I could over for one hell of a party. Suspension would be part of the day, too, as flying on some hooks is one of my all time super duper experiences.
  9. Awesome! Can everyone meet there at 10am when it opens, or should we say 11am or noon for those going to CC on Saturday? XD I propose we just meet up in the front where people buy their tickets. The area's big enough to hang out while waiting for people to show, and I think there are a few benches to sit on. We're open to meeting wherever, though.
  10. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing. I wish that back then I'd have had the friends I do now for support. It's interesting to see that some of us, while going through horrible stuff, had that one moment where we were like, "that's it, **F** this donkey-shit, I'm done." Whether it takes a couple of months, or a couple of years I applaud anyone leaving a bad relationship. I agree with what was said before. There is definitely a comfort zone that is reached. I think we also just get wiped out, and have no physical/mental energy to leave because we spend it all on just trying to keep the relationship afloat, or out of turbulent waters. My bad relationship spanned from when I was around 17 until I was 25/26. I left a few times, but always had hope he would change, and foolishly went back. I remember my gut telling me "no" on one occasion, but I wasn't a good listener. Because I spent my entire being at the time on that first relationship, by the time it was over, I was ready to be alone, and build myself up again. Even after it was over, I'll admit, there were a few more love letters, but when I started to gain strength, and didn't allow him to have that control over me, I was able to tell him no. When in bad relationships, "Save Yourself" should be like a mantra.
  11. Sweet!! Can we set the date for Sunday, Sept. 25th then? It's 10am to 7pm, so I say we get there when it opens. Time always flies there! Spook, will you and TWB be able to make it that day, too?
  12. In reading the "Why do your relationships end?" thread, along with a few others this morning, I see some people have been in, and some continue to be in bad relationships. We've all had our humdingers, and have been through the ringer physically and emotionally, but what keeps us IN these bad relationships? My first relationship was awful. He was clever, this asshole, and though he abused me sexually and emotionally, and I gave him control, he always told me I was beautiful, and never said one negative word about my looks. I think he knew if he did that, I would have been gone. I've always thought it was strange how I let him have so much control, and let him abuse me in some areas, but if he started crap in others, I would have been out the door. It ended when he spit on me. We had a fight, and at some point he felt the need to hack one on me. I looked at him and started laughing, saying "really?" I felt like a 50ft Queenie in the face of an ant at that moment, and it was done. After all the years of weathering his crap, all he had left was spit? I had an odd sense of "I won," which is twisted. In that moment, I finally saw him for who he was~a little man who had no self esteem who took control of the only thing in his life he could have control over, me. I stayed in that ridiculous relationship because I felt he understood me, and I thought he would change. Honestly, though, people don't really change. We may be able to change habits, and change the course of our lives, but who we are at the core is who we are. If someone likes to take control of people, or play mind games, they are always going to do that. They may find more acceptable ways of doing it, but that character piece will always be there. My problem at the time was that I sheltered myself from the world. I have a very loving and strong family would have kicked his ass, but I didn't let them help me, because I didn't want them to know. I had friends, but only a few, and I put that bastard above them. I let him have control, but once I journeyed farther into the world, and found more people like me, I could see that he didn't understand me at all, and that we actually didn't have anything in common. That spit was the last straw, lol. This is definitely a delicate topic, and I guess if anyone is going to respond about their relationship issues, past or present, I would only post if your significant other is not on DGN. This is meant to be a thread for support, and discussing other options if you're looking for a way out. We all deserve to be in an enjoyable, and healthy relationship. We don't have to take someone elses crap, endure their mind games, or get used by them.
  13. Awesome! And I absolutely love the layering in the back!! :D
  14. Yayz!! Looks like that last week in September is good for lots of people. TasteeWonderBunny~will you guys be able to make it if we go on Sept. 25th? **crosses fingers!**
  15. When I'm done with her XD I'm on the search young man, and as soo as I find her, I will deliver her to you! **bows** :D

  16. Nightgaunt and I were planning on going on Sept. 24th. If the 25th works out better for everyone, though, we can make some adjustments And I totally agree~going in September is better because of the weather
  17. Likes the way Tyger thinks!! XD Electric hugs and nipple tweaks for yoooouuuuu!! XD lol

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