I agree with the jokes being tasteless but we always do this, don't we? Some celebrity dies, and the jokes come out. I haven't made jokes about this, but I imagine some people joke because they're pissed off, or disappointed. She worked so hard to get where she was, and then just wasted it all away. It's a tragedy when anyone ends up this way, but I think people hate seeing others with so much talent, beauty, and possibility go down like this. I have to joke to myself about losing Jen sometimes because I get so angry, and sad at the same time, that I have to remind myself how ridiculous her actions were so that I won't drown in my sorrow. I know when someone has mental health issues, and they get caught in an addition, no one can help them but themselves. When someone dies from an addiction, to me it says they could find nothing else in this world to make them happy, or feel good. Really? Gee, thanks! Now her family, friends, and loved ones are going to have to live the rest of their lives with feeling like they should have done something more, when the reality is there's nothing more they could have done. That's some big bloody baggage to have to hold for something someone else did, and it sucks.
**hugs to you Slogo!**