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Everything posted by ~Tszura~

  1. Looking at our schedule, it looks like we'll be going on Sept. 24th this year. I'm hoping my little bro will be able to show up, too. He still lives in my hometown of Adrian with my mom (he's only 18), so it is my mission to get that boy out and about to live a little. Anyone want to meet us up there that day??
  2. We'll definitely be going this year!! WOOT!! It would be cool to have a big meet-up there. If people figure out which days they'll be going, can everyone post them here so maybe we can get a group together?
  3. We had a fabulous time! TitsMcGee came into town and came out with AstralCrux~Yayz!! Saw lots of DGN'rs, and had a riot boob shaking with the ladies, lol. Of course, with me, I have to bounce me whole body to get these puppies shakin'~they can't just do it themselves, lol. Only had enough energy to dance a few songs because it was so hot. Anytime I get to dance to Siouxsie makes it a great dance night, though. There were a couple douche-douches, but nothing too severe, so it was a fantastic night all around So glad we go to see so many people out and about that night! Hope to see everyone again soon!
  4. Big hugs to ya!! Hope everything is cool on your end! Miss ya!! xoxo

  5. I agree with the jokes being tasteless but we always do this, don't we? Some celebrity dies, and the jokes come out. I haven't made jokes about this, but I imagine some people joke because they're pissed off, or disappointed. She worked so hard to get where she was, and then just wasted it all away. It's a tragedy when anyone ends up this way, but I think people hate seeing others with so much talent, beauty, and possibility go down like this. I have to joke to myself about losing Jen sometimes because I get so angry, and sad at the same time, that I have to remind myself how ridiculous her actions were so that I won't drown in my sorrow. I know when someone has mental health issues, and they get caught in an addition, no one can help them but themselves. When someone dies from an addiction, to me it says they could find nothing else in this world to make them happy, or feel good. Really? Gee, thanks! Now her family, friends, and loved ones are going to have to live the rest of their lives with feeling like they should have done something more, when the reality is there's nothing more they could have done. That's some big bloody baggage to have to hold for something someone else did, and it sucks. **hugs to you Slogo!**
  6. I'm in favor of him not killing himself just yet, too. The families and all those affected deserve an answer for this, no matter what it is. This wangnut could never justify what he did, but I feel having an answer is better than not having one. After he gives it, I hope they throw him to the rabid beasts. Crazy people of this caliber never truly understand what is "right" and "wrong" on even a basic human level. By doing this, he justified in his own mind that killing other people would further his cause, which is ridiculous. A different side to this.......Another article mentioned that he played video games like WOW. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Those journalists are wangnuts, too, for even trying to link gaming to this. They always try this, and I hate it. There were ax murderers, serial killers, and terrorists way before gaming, and modern music, so I wish they would just STFU about stuff like that, and get to the real deal. This guy was also a Christian, and an organic farmer, but I bet we won't see either group demonized in the press like goths and gamers are. We'll never see, "News at 11. Beware of the organic farmers, they talk to the vegetables!!!!"
  7. lol Well, that completely changes things! NOW its totally funny and totally awesome ;p Yes, yes, Mexican brethren, free yourselves and change the world in more ways than one.......with style!!
  8. For the record, I didn't mean that the bit would have actually struck me as funny first with any other population. I was trying to say that if we pictured another group as the main subject of the skit, would most people still find it funny, or would it then be offensive? Would I find it funny if she were hoarding Mexicans? Probably not, and more on this below. I appreciate you explaining your perspective throughout this as I am understanding more about whats funny about it. When I first saw this and saw the other posts, I really was feeling like Spock talking about "love." Now I get it, but am still a little uncomfortable with the whole animal aspect, but I guess that's just me. And linking back to using Mexicans instead of gays, well, I think you're right. Any humor about this IS because of the population used. If Mexicans were used instead of gays, I would probably still be offended even though I know its completely plausible to find over 50 of us living in one house, and driving in one truck
  9. I loved the Chapelle Show, and I guess I'm going to have to step back and take another hard look at what else bothers me about it. Yes, there were extreme stereotypes in it which are laughable, but there was also that undertone of "hoarding the animals" that I think is what is bothering me. I'm not trying to be harsh, I just would like to see why my first reaction to this was one of offense versus what you both seemed to take away from it. Hmmmmm, like why would I feel more comfortable laughing at something mocking racial stereotypes, versus the hoarding thing? Maybe with racial stereotypes, I feel I can identify more with it, and feel more comfortable laughing at myself and the whole bit.
  10. Am I being too critical? I get the metaphor, but it still burns a little for the reasons I mentioned. I need to watch it again, and maybe just lighten up a little.
  11. @Slogo: LOL!! Eating a hot dog is way worse than this! lol For those getting grossed out by this, I'm sure they would still take someone's blood, or organs if they needed a transfusion/transplant. While I'm not grossed out by that, if we're putting things in a "gross" meter, having someone's body parts living inside me is way worse than eating some tissue. And on the extreme end, there is enough food in the world (though access and distribution are factors) that I'm hoping I'd never have to, but if I end up in some messed up Twilight Zone kind of situation where I have to eat someone to survive, please note that I will be munching Donner party style. I wouldn't off someone to eat them, but if they're dead already, and I have to survive, well........ you know. AND I would expect others to do the same with my body If I'm dead and there's any hope of living another day. Jello anyone??
  12. **Face Palm** I feel like I have a good sense of humor, but I'm a little offended by this. Nightgaunt and I just discussed this, and we think the reaction would be very different if she used a different population, such as "hoarding Jews," or "hoarding women." And by saying at the end that 2 had to be "put down" is like saying "gays" are "animals." And I know we are all animals, but you get what I mean. So I get that this was meant to be funny, and cute, but I think they missed the target.
  13. WOOT! WOOT! I saw a gray Aveo LT on my way to work today with a DGN bumpersticker!!! Awesome!!! Whoever that was, thank you for getting me to work on time! You were driving 80 all the way up on 75, and I was trying to catch ya to wave, but you were just too fast for me The stickers on everyone's cars look kick ass!
  14. Hmmmmm, this is a tough one because I actually think I was a man in another life that must not have appreciated women enough, so I came back as one. If I was a man again for 24 hours, I would hope that I would continue on as I do, and not do anything completely different. I guess if I went to a club, it would be interesting to see how other people would react to me. And if I had a chance to pick someone up, it would probably be a woman to see if I could please her with my man parts
  15. Is it in outer space? Does this place involve aliens?
  16. Is this place crawling with zombies? Is it located in United States?
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