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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...yeah, but, she would not be mad if she knew you were doing your job as manager...
  2. You Are "Wow"! You are a firecracker. You're completely unpredictable. You love a good adventure, and you're always up to something a little crazy. You love surprising people and defying expectations. It's great to see the shock on someone's face. You are alert and ready to act. You know opportunities don't come often, so you jump on anything that comes along.
  3. ...awake...& in need of a nap...(I only took a nap last night.)
  4. ...hungry...good thing the dinner is ready...
  5. Like Discordia...for example...you don't even have to WANT to be a Pope...I can just make you one.
  6. Yup...some peoples (in the Ca.) got a bit carried away with their crop & or distribution centers... & attracted the FEDS attention...they are now incarcerated...it would be pretty nice of the FEDS to let them go now...not to mention, cheaper than keeping them... ...you know...the store front distribution centers that were raided... ...Oh...& I guess, we HAVE to chalk a point in the "stuff BIG-O said he was gonna' do" list...
  7. phee is INTO the ZEN today... ...I am thinking far too much to annotate...
  8. Yes...this is in mirror to the Hebrew custom that, if your Mother is an Hebrew, so are you.
  9. ...like, Junior Goat & I are about to DORK-OUT...watching Conan The Adventurer...OH PRAISE BE TO HULU...
  10. ...me too...they will give me a Medicinal Scotch...right before I go on...
  11. ...um, you meant '@' not '2', right? (edit to add: & you missed a 'v'... )(drinking at work?)
  12. Exactly. ...the only reason that a Justice should EVER even say ANYTHING to two candidates for marriage...should be, about- age, moneys, & are they thinking on the same page..... still, this is JUST to bring it up for them to think on...he CAN NOT refuse a couple that is legally allowed to marry in that state. ...& for the record...a couple's skin pigment has not as much to do with divorce, as does getting married at an early age...MOST (I think it may be all, but, I have not seen many for a long time) of the peoples I know, that got married in their teens to early twenties, are no longer together.
  13. <<Woman don't add, it's Gos's name - Thank You Satan - marker will lash you >>We shall overcome - Yes We Can - A man touched down on the moon HOLY SHIT...the next one is FUNNIER YET!...& makes NO SENSE. oK...Nairf, & Shneersh...DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING...WHATSOEVER....as a student of Knowledge, I have studied the Light, & Dark paths...I have seriously, never, ever heard of such silly shit...next, they will say that J.F.K., was a Satanist, & in the K.K.K.
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