...ok...I understand that you've been posting in a hurry, may I please point out, that you can as easily leave the reply page open, & post nice & slow...like I do, yes, I take an hour or so to think before I even start typing...because, dude, when you just start shooting off at the mouth, it takes away from the inelegant point that you are attempting to make.....
.....like now...you have made a big ole' messy error...back in the day, yeah, you COULD get into a duel to the death...not for looking at someone the wrong way, that was a gross exaggeration...honor had to be at stake...
.....BUT NOW...you can look at a fella' "wrong"...& get shot to death with NO WARNING...shit, you could just be in the wrong place, with the wrong coloured shirt on, & get shot to death...
...there's your #1 stupid reason for war...shirt colour...& don't come back with a gang-war isn't a war...
..I've seen it.
.....I retract my previous, "Yet..."
I fergot about that...I never really studied the whole G*DLEESS-COMMUNISM thing...it was always on it's way out since my age of reasoning came around...