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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  2. ...you know...Jesu Ben Yoseph (Jesus, Son of Joseph) IS, IN FACT a name entered into a Buddhist monastery's role scrolls, around 2000 years ago... ...& Confucius did not really use Karma as a teaching tool..BUDDHA, however did.
  3. LINK ...some say it's fiction. I SEE THE FNORDS!
  4. Yes...& what a GREAT picture...the waveyness of the shore, contrasts with the treeline on the horizon...(& alludes to the yin & yang.) ...my colour & the ground's bleed together...alluding to the King & His Land part of the Arthurian Legends... ...it does appear that I am drinking the sky...the details of this allusion to the Gnostic Mysteries is so obvious, & I haven't the time (nor all of the words, YET.) to detail the subject...or, I'ld have written the book already ...seriously, the BEST SHOT OF ANY THING, I've seen in a while.
  5. ...I realize...though, I can not effectually utilize the photo-shops & such...my visage...is SUPER COOL when altered...I think it has something to with, I DARE SAY, the fact that my visage is SO COOL to begin with
  6. ......then, I will hypothetically* suspend my retraction of the aforementioned, "YET..." *hypothetical, because, we do not actually know for sure what (or if) Stalin was thinking...as he MAY have been a cabbage in disguise. (edit: spelling sux)
  7. ...heard...shit, I had to chase some dude in a donkey t-shirt off my lawn this morning! ...did I do that good?
  8. ...perhaps Atheism was simply just another thing he used to his own ends... ...in that case...we can more or less deduce that he was not even an Atheist...but a proto-Satanist (one who attempts to overthrow the G*dhead to institute himself as Lord). ..this type of spiritual path is generally characterized by having only Faith in one's self...seeing himself as the Highest, & most mighty.
  9. You...you are a friek!

    THAT...is cool.

  10. Well...you had BETTER show up EARLY! We are going on first...You know how the Rock'n'Roll sets go...new guys always go first DOORS @9...
  11. ..I disagree...whilst seeing your point... ....I see that he destroyed peoples that believed differently than he did... ...that sounds like the Crusades to me...
  12. WELL.......... ..........YHVH...ADONI...LVX...NOX...ass...titties...whiskey (Scotch & Irish)...head...titties...musik...ass...Scotch-eggs...my-hair-blue...wearing something other than pants to cover my junk...my Son...my Wife..Our Girlfriend...showers with my Ladies...after the shower with my Ladies ...smoking...bbq-brats...roast-beef-with-potatoes-n-onions...DGN...research...being a Reverend...Free Masonry...books that are cool...poetry...hugs...dogs...rats...goats...& trees.
  13. ...'cause they did not post here yet...I'll let you all know...the ~TszuraGaunt~ will be there to celebrate their Union with the whole Tribe...........I will not be there though...I'm gonna' be obliterated by then...it's my B-day, & I have the plans for burning a fire HAVE FUN ALL! (edit: I can not spell to well.)
  14. Dig through YOUR posts via your profile page... I KNOW that you posted about it...I believe it was a wind storm
  15. ...ok...I understand that you've been posting in a hurry, may I please point out, that you can as easily leave the reply page open, & post nice & slow...like I do, yes, I take an hour or so to think before I even start typing...because, dude, when you just start shooting off at the mouth, it takes away from the inelegant point that you are attempting to make..... .....like now...you have made a big ole' messy error...back in the day, yeah, you COULD get into a duel to the death...not for looking at someone the wrong way, that was a gross exaggeration...honor had to be at stake... .....BUT NOW...you can look at a fella' "wrong"...& get shot to death with NO WARNING...shit, you could just be in the wrong place, with the wrong coloured shirt on, & get shot to death... ...there's your #1 stupid reason for war...shirt colour...& don't come back with a gang-war isn't a war... ..I've seen it. .....I retract my previous, "Yet..." I fergot about that...I never really studied the whole G*DLEESS-COMMUNISM thing...it was always on it's way out since my age of reasoning came around...
  16. Give it time Bro! ...& GREAT To see you around...
  17. O_M_G used that very same picture to mess with...I'll post some variations later.....& that's really nice...I like the two moons....reminds me of my Ladies....
  18. ...but, then, you'ld have to sit down when peeing.....& you'ld probably get the eating disorder... REV, feels, like it is him Birthday tomorrow...SO FUCKIN' GROOVY!
  19. 'As I See It Yes' MAJIK 8-BALL has spoken.
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